♣️CHAPTER 4 ❌Mistakes✖

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A life spent making mistakes is not only most honorable but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.

- Unknown

- Unknown

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I hear the front door slam and I quickly get up to go check it out, Amanda following along as well. I pinch the bridge of my nose, once I realized that the woman from last night left.

"Thanks a lot, Amanda, you just couldn't for once in your life keep your mouth shut." I glare at her. She looks at me with wide eyes.

"I was speaking the truth." She says, crossing her arms.

"Oh cut the bullshit." I am getting angry. "That was not you speaking the truth, that was you being a bitch."

Amanda gasps.

"Me being a bitch, have you forgotten that the detective said that Lacy's abductor was more than likely black." Amanda sneers.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I yell, in disbelief. "That detective doesn't know anything because obviously if he did, Lacy would be here right now. And just because there's a chance that Lacy's abductor could be black doesn't mean we hold a grudge against all black people."

"I can hold a grudge against whoever I please, Levi!" Amanda yells.

"That woman was going to jump off a damn bridge, Amanda," I say, trying to get through to her. "You don't know what she was going through, you saying what you said in the kitchen could have triggered her."

Amanda doesn't say anything but looks down at her shoes.

"Look, I know that your hurting Manda," I say, using her nickname. "We all are, but it's been eight years. The chances of Lacy being alive is...is slim."

"Don't you dare tell me to get over it." She says, pointing her finger at me.

"I would never say that Amanda. All I'm saying is don't hate the world and the people in it because of Lacy's disappearance."

"I'm going home, sorry about the fire." She says, walking out of the house. The door slams shut and once again I'm alone.

My mother was starting to rub off on Amanda. She's changed Amanda, pretty much tainted her.

Katherine Green is sadly one of the nastiest person you'd ever meet. She is judgmental, mischievous, and most of all racist. I could say that it was my sister going missing that caused my mother to be this way, but it would be a lie. Even before Lacy's disappearance my mother was still the same way, but just good at hiding it.

The house phones rings causing me to snap out of my thoughts. Answering the call I put the phone on speaker.

"Hey Levi, I'm calling on behalf of Dr.Wilson to find out if you are still coming to therapy?" The woman on the phone asked.

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