Everyone kisses except Jonathan #4everalone

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Imhotep's grinning face vanishes under the black bile


We look around as all the walls start to DESCEND. O'Connell grabs Evy's hand.


He pulls her forward and all four of us race past sinking pillars. We duck as we run into a descending doorway. After that, we crouch-run into the treasure-chamber. Evelyn stops and takes a look in wonder at all the treasure. SAND rains down on them. O'Connell grabs her again and quickly pulls her through the mounds of treasure towards the SINKING DOORWAY on the far side of the room. 

The SOUND of the sinking walls is deafening. We run past Beni who crouch-runs into the treasure chamber. He joins us as we run up the staircase, heading for the descending Doorway, which is already half gone, it's now only four feet high (ca.122cm) -- now three feet high(ca.91cm) -- now two feet(ca.61cm). 

Jonathan and I dive through the narrow gap.Then O'Connell dives through, he spins around. Evelyn dives, but gets stuck in the middle, about to get cut in half. O'Connell and I grab her arms and yank her through in the nick of time. Beni reaches through the narrowing gap with his hand-


O'Connell grabs it, but it's too late. Beni yanks his hand back just as the top of the door CRASHES to the floor.Sealing him in. 


The temple COLLAPSES as we and a pack of stray camels race through the ruins.  A sinking crevice drops out right behind us. Chasing us out through the front gates. The whole place RUMBLES ominously. We make it down the ramp as more ruins CRASH DOWN behind us. A MASSIVE CLOUD OF SAND AND DUST billows out over the wall and into the air. 

We and all the stray camels race out into the desert.


O'Connell, Evelyn, Jonathan and I stand in the middle of the plateau, surrounded by stray camels. We stare off at the sandy, dusty, volcano as it continues to RUMBLE-ominously.

JULIETTE After all of that has anyone of you seen Ardeth?


Suddenly a hand appears on Jonathan's shoulder as he, Evelyn and Rick let out a yell, I take my (empty) gun and point it at the hand but as soon as I see who the hand belongs to I immediately let go of the gun and jumped into the person's arms.

JULIETTE Ardeth you're alright! I was so worried.

ARDETH I was worried to, I came back to ask you if you would stay with me?

JULIETTE Yes, I will. Jonathan, Evy, I guess this means goodbye for now.

JONATHAN What do you mean?

JULIETTE Ardeth and I love eachother, which is why I will stay in here, with him. 

JONATHAN You've known him for less than a month.

JULIETTE But still. I'm happy.

ARDETH Do not fear! I will take care of your sister.

Almighty POV

Juliette runs up to Evelyn and Jonathan, hugs them one last time and goes back to Ardeth who lifts her on top of the camel. Before he also climbs (?) on it. As they ride into the sunset whil waving at Evelyn Rick and Jonathan.

JONATHAN Well, I guess we go home empty-handed.

Rick looks at Evelyn

O'CONNELL Wouldn't say that.

Evelyn returns the look,

JONATHAN Oh please, not them too.

 A BEAT, and then she wraps-her arms around his neck and kisses him. O'Connell returns it. Jonathan just rolls his eyes, snorts in disgust and goes to his camel.

JONATHAN How about you darling? Would you like a little kissy-wissy? 

 The camel breaths into his face and Jonathan makes a face at the scent of the camel's breath.

When the kiss is-over, O'Connell and Evelyn share a smile, then Rick leaps up into the saddle, reaches down, grabs Evelyn's hand and pulls her up behind him. Evelyn wraps her arms around his waist. O'Connell and Jonathan slap the reins.


The camels start to move out. In the saddlebag behind Evelyn, hidden under the closed back flap, --we can see that it's filled with Beni's stolen TREASURE. O'Connell, Evelyn and Jonathan ride off to the other side that Juliette rode off to.


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