Chapter 17 Death is only the beginning

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JONATHAN It's an Anck symbol, with two little squiggly lines above it, and a bird, a stork!

on either side,Evelyn is being STRANGLED by Anck-su-namun,

EVELYN -Ah! Ah! Ahmenophus!

JULIETTE Ahmenophus!

JONATHAN Yes, ...I see.

The talons lift O'Connell up and start to crush him. 

JULIETTE Jonathan get on with IT!

JONATHAN Hootash im Ahmenophus!

The giant statue of Anubis instantly freezes in it's tracks and PETRIFIES. It's off balance and starts to fall. O'Connell slides free of its talons. Evelyn SHOVES Anck-su-namun away, Anck-su-namun looks up and opens her fetid mouth to scream just as Anubis CRASHES DOWN on top of her, SMASHING HER to powder and DRIVING her into the ground.Imhotep SHRIEKS in rage and horror then turns and angrily heads for Jonathan. Jonathan, sitting on his ass, quickly backpedals on his hands and heels. While O'Connell and Juliette sword in hand and run for Imhotep. Imhotep grabs Jonathan, lifts him up, rips the Book Of The Living out of his hand and pins him to a wall. Juliette runs up and swings her sword at Imhotep, and--WAP! SLICES Imhotep's 'right arm off. It drops to the ground, still clutching The Book Of The Living. Imhotep drops Jonathan and spins around, facing Juliette and O'Connell. O'Connell grins.

O'CONNELL Okay pal, let's see how tough you are without your right arm.

Imhotep grabs O'Connell with his left arm and THROWS him halfway across the cemetery. O'Connell SLAMS into a gravestone, bounces off and crashes to the ground. He shakes it off. 

JULIETTE To me, it seems like he's left handed.

O'CONNELL No kidding!

Imhotep is already striding towards him. Jonathan lifts up his hand, --HE HAS THE KEY/BOX ! He smiles at Evelyn.

JONATHAN I got it!

Evelyn runs for Jonathan. O'Connell SWINGS his sword and CLEAVES a big chunk of molten flesh rot out of Imhotep's stomach. On the outside, Imhotep looks human, but on the inside, he is still a rotten old mummy.Imhotep BACKHANDS O'Connell. Knocks him twenty feet back.O'Connell staggers to his feet. Imhotep is right there. CLUBS him hard with his left arm. O'Connell spins through the air, SLAMS into the side of a mausoleum. Imhotep approaches, rage in his eyes. O'Connell gets up, quickly pivots and HACKS into Imhotep's head. Imhotep grins and PUNCHES O'Connell in the face. O'Connell is thrown back, pulling his sword with him.

He bounces hard off the mausoleum. Lands on his feet. Totally beat-to-shit. Knees buckling. He can barely stand. Jonathan lifts up the heavy gold book, --Imhotep's severed hand still clings to it. Jonathan cringes in disgust. Evelyn yanks it off, throws it away, then furiously starts working the key into the series of locks, unlocking each of them.

Imhotep strides forward. O'Connell backs into the mausoleum, while Juliette jumps into the picture while saying:

JULIETTE Forgot about me, didn't you?

She swings her sword and Imhotep tries to catch it, --it CLEAVES through his palm and deeply imbeds itself into his forearm.No matter, Imhotep rips the sword away from her and casually flings it away. 

The golden Book Of The Living opens with a HISS. Jonathan holds it tight as Evelyn quickly turns the heavy gold pages looking for something. 

Juliette turns to run, but Imhotep grabs her by the throat and lifts her off her feet. She hangs there, a dazed mess. Imhotep grins, says something in ANCIENT EGYPTIAN, then starts to strangle her. Juliette chokes. About to die. Evelyn turns and faces Imhotep and reads an inscription:

EVELYN Kadeesh mal! Kadeesh mal! Pared oos! PARED OOS!!

Imhotep pivots and looks at Evelyn, a look of sheer terroron his face. Then he looks over at the detritus bog. Whichstarts to BUBBLE and SHIFT. The SWIRLING HOLE begins to open. And then suddenly THE SPIRITS OF THE EGYPTIAN GODS waft out of the black bog and SWIRL around the Priest-mummies. The mummies all collapse and turn to dust. And then the spirits attack Imhotep. Lifting him and Juliette up into the air.Imhotep let's go of Juliette, who falls to the ground.Evelyn and Jonathan fearfully stumble away from the spirits, Jonathan trips and falls and accidentally throws The Book of The Living into the detritus bog. Evelyn watches as the golden book sinks into the black putrescence. Jonathan looks like he's about to cry. 

Ten feet off the ground, the spirits SWIRL around Imhotep'sbody, TWISTING IT and TURNING IT and slowly SHRIVELING IT. Accompanied by the same strange FLASHING LIGHT we saw at the beginning of the movie when Anck-su-namun was cursed. One last HUGE FLASH, accompanied by a BLAST OF WIND, and Imhotep is spit out and thrown to the floor. He staggers to his feet, looking perfectly normal. His body is completely intact. O'Connell swings his sword. Imhotep jerks back. The swordscrapes Imhotep's chest, --a swath of blood appears across Imhotep's chest where the sword hit him. Imhotep touches the blood on his chest, amazed and horrified. 

After Juliette finally caught her breath, she says:

JULIETTE He's.. mortal. 

O'Connell runs Imhotep through with the sword and shoves him backwards. Imhotep stumbles back and falls into the detritusbog. The sword still in his stomach.Evelyn and Jonathan run up next to O'Connell with Juliette. They watch as Imhotep gently sinks into the fetid swamp, slowly dying. And then, just before his head goes under, Imhotep looks up at them, grins broadly, and says something in ANCIENT EGYPTIAN.

Evelyn translates:

EVELYN Death is only the beginning.

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