Ohne Titel Teil15

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O'Connell squeezes through a small crevice in a wall and drops to the floor of a dark chamber. He picks up his gunny-sack and scans the darkness. Something GLITTERS. Jonathan and Ardeth and I crawl in behind him. O'Connell notices a SHAFT OF LIGHT, high above him, shoots through a small hole in the ceiling and stopping against a wall next to one of those mirror disks. O'Connell aims his gun. FIRES. The bullet STRIKES the disk's pedestal, spinning the mirror into the shaft of light, --And WHAM! THE SHAFT OF LIGHT HITS THE DISK AND QUICKLY BOUNCES AROUND THE ROOM FROMONE DISK TO ANOTHER UNTIL THE WHOLE CHAMBER IS LIT UP.It's an enormous TREASURE CHAMBER. Filled to overflowing.Everything sparkles and shines. The wealth of Egypt.

We are speechless and that's when the two mummified Priest-mummies walk in.

O'CONNELL who the hell are these guys?

ARDETH BAY Priests. Imhotep's priests.

O'Connell pulls the elephant gun out of his gunny-sack.

O'CONNELL I never killed a priest before,

JULIETTE Those things aren't priests they are zombies!

ARDETH BAY They are evil, cursed, they matter not.

O'CONNELL Well, okay then.

Rick and I shoot at them and their body falls to living pieces. Rick can't believe it.

O'CONNELL Oh come on, gimme a break here.

And then the disemboweled upper torsos start to move, turning over and crawling towards us, as we start to back away.  


A dusty BREEZE blows into the chamber as we back away from the mummy pieces. The floor where we were just standing suddenly STARTS TO MOVE. Two more mummies slowly dig their way up out of the floor. More mummies start coming out of the walls and crawling out of the piles of gold. All the mummies head for us. O'Connell lifts the elephant gun. Ardeth Bay stops him.


Ardeth Bay OPENS UP with the Lewis gun. BLASTING the shit out of the monsters. They keep on coming. Even more now. I and O'Connell OPEN FIRE, he with the elephant gun and I with my guns, pumping and FIRING as all four of us back away and haul-ass. The mummies and mummy pieces follow them into the passageway.


The elephant gun FIRES, blasting FLAME and SMOKE right into the LENS. We race down a passageway, a dozen mummies striding after us.

O'CONNELL This whole place is comin, alive!

We race around a corner. More mummies. Again, we race around another corner. More mummies. Onward they come. Methodical. Relentless. O'Connell, Ardeth and I FIRING as we go. Ardeth Bay goes empty.


He throws the machine-gun down and we all race into a small chamber. The lower half of the giant statue of HORUS stands in the middle of the chamber. JONATHAN There he is!They run up to the base of the statue,

JONATHAN Hello Horus old boy.

O'Connell looks back at the mummies coming down the passageway. He reaches into his gunny-sack and pulls out a stick of dynamite. Ardeth Bay taps him on the shoulder.

ARDETH BAY Allow me. 

O'Connell hands him the dynamite and a match, then turns to look at the statue. Ardeth Bay reaches forward and strikes the match off O'Connell's stubbly face. 

O'Connell YELPS

JULIETTE Well Rick I guess that's karma.

Ardeth Bay lights the dynamite and throws it down the passageway. They all hit the deck. The dynamite EXPLODES. Ripping apart the creatures, causing a CAVE-IN and sealing the passageway with rock and dirt. Now there's only one way out, --another dark, creepy passageway. 

O'Connell and Jonathan are digging away at the seams of the secret compartment, it starts to give. And that's when ArdethBay spots another group of rotting mummies coming down the dark passageway, heading right for them. O'Connell looks up.

O'CONNELL These guys just don't quit.

Ardeth grabs the elephant gun and a handful of shells and we run off towards the mummies.

  ARDETH BAY Keep digging!

O'Connell and Jonathan redouble their efforts, pulling harder on the seam. The compartment starts to loosen. About to give.The last time this happened, salt acid sprayed out, remember?They keep tugging. The tension mounts ................And that's when a SKELETAL HAND BURSTS UP OUT OF THE GROUND and grabs O'Connell's ankle. Several more moldy hands BURST up out of the ground. O'Connell and Jonathan struggle with the mummies as they crawl up out of the dirt floor.One of the mummies violently shoves O'Connell away. Another grabs Jonathan by the throat and starts to strangle him. A third mummy grabs at the secret compartment and pulls hard. AN INTENSE BURST OF ACID SPRAYS OUT OF THE SEAM AND HITS ALLTHREE OF THE MUMMIES. See, told you! The one strangling Jonathan gets it in the back and drops him. All three mummies melt horribly.

The Princess of the Medji?!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora