Chapter 12 Kissing to the bone

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O'Connell, Juliette and Jonathan race into the foyer and skid to a stop as they see Henderson's shriveled body on the floor. Juliette runs up to Evelyn's door and rattles the knob, still locked. She bends down and looks in through the KEYHOLE. Only to see Imhotep leaning down towards Evelyn, about to kiss her as she sleeps. The door starts to CRASH and BANG from Rick hitting it. Imhotep ignores it. And KISSES Evelyn. His lips and mouth instantly start to DEGENERATE and DECAY. Right down to the bone. 

JULIETTE Heck to the NO!! 

screams Juliette as she kicks the door open. Evelyn wakes up. Sees Imhotep'srotted mouth kissing her. She SCREAMS and shoves him away. Imhotep's putrid mouth grimaces in sadness.

O'CONNELL Get your hands off my girl, pal.

JULIETTE And off of our sister!

Imhotep's sadness turns to anger as he spins around and faces O'Connell. Imhotep licks his fetid lips. O'Connell smirks.

O'CONNELL Nice lips.

Imhotep starts to move for O'Connell.

O'CONNELL I figured you would be here so I brought a little friend.

He throws the white cat at Imhotep. Imhotep instinctively catches it. He SHRIEKS, drops the cat and stumbles backtowards the window, --which suddenly BLOWS OPEN. Imhotep spins like a dervish and BURSTS INTO A WHIRLWIND OF SAND. Everybody covers their eyes. The Imhotep/sand-devil EXPLODES out the window and vanishes over the compound.Jonathan aims his gun at the window, his hand shaking badly. O'Connell hugs Evelyn as she wipes her mouth in disgust and Juliette stares out of the window. Daniels walks in, looks at Henderson's shriveled body on the floor . .... and drops the martini glasses. 


Jonathan races his big convertible through the streets, HONKING constantly. Juliette sits between him and O'Connell, while Evelyn sits on Ricks lap looking scared and nervous.

EVELYN Why do I have to sit on Ricks lap

JULIETTE Can't help it, after all your his girl.

EVELYN Why did you call me your girl anyways?

O'CONNELL What? ... Oh yeah, that was just um, you know, figure a speech.

EVELYN I think you were jealous 

O'CONNELL Jealous? You kiddin' me? Did you see that guy's face? 

Daniels leans forward from the back seat, filled with fear,

DANIELS Shut-up! JUST SHUT-UP! We gotta do somethin'! we gotta do somethin, NOW! Before it's too late!

They race into the driveway of the museum of Antiquities.


O'Connell., Jonathan, Daniels, the Curator and Ardeth Bay fo11ow Evelyn and Juliette as they stride through the museum.

EVELYN Last month I came across an inscription that mentioned The Book Of The Dead.

DANIELS That book we found at Hamunaptra?

EVELYN Yes. I dismissed it, because it talked about bringing people back from the dead. A notion I was unwilling to believe. 

JULIETTE Believe it, sister. That's what brought the mummificated pedophile back to life.

JONATHAN And now he's going to use it to bring his girlfriend back.

ARDETH BAY And if he succeeds, the two of them together will bring about the apocalypse.

The Curator joins Evelyn at her side as she heads up the stairs, everyone else in hot pursuit.

THE CURATOR The plagues we have seen so far, are merely Imhotep flexing his muscles. only at the moment of Anck-su-namun's resurrection will he be truly invincible.

They reach the display cases. Evelyn quickly opens them. EVELYN I'm thinking that if the black Book Of The Dead can bring people back to life--

CURATOR --then perhaps, the golden Book Of The Living can return them to the underworld.

EVELYN Exactly -

O'CONNELL So your sayin', if we find the book made outta gold--

CURATOR --And read the sacred incantations contained inside it.

O'CONNELL You think it'll send this guy back to hell?

JULIETTE Yes, we're sure of it.

And that's when LOUD CHANTING is heard coming from outside They all rush over to the upper windows and look down

--OUTSIDE: A large, CRAZED MOB covered in hideous boils and sores comes CHANTING up the driveway: 'Anck-su-namun! Anck-su-namun!

ARDETH BAY it has begun. The beginning of the end.

EVELYN Not quite yet it hasn't. C'mon, 

Evelyn dashes back to the display cases. Everyone follows. 


The BANGING on the doors can be heard as Juliette, Evelyn and the Curator quickly sort through broken pieces of stone tablets. The others watch. Evelyn pulls out a large piece.

EVELYN Got it!

O'CONNELL Got what?

The BANGING gets LOUDER. Multiple windows SHATTER. Evelyn talks while quickly translating the tablet:

EVELYN Since the black Book of The Dead was found inside the statue of Anubis, then according to this, the golden Book of The Living should be inside ........

Evelyn finds the translation in the tablet and smiles. 




JULIETTE The golden Book Of The Living, it's inside the statue of Koz-us.

CURATOR Which would be located not far to the east of the Anubis statue.

O'CONNELL Don't tell me we gotta go back out there?

CURATOR If we want to kill the creature, yes.

TWO HIDEOUS BOIL & SORE-COVERED MEN charge out of a doorway, SCREAMING. O'Connell and Ardeth Bay grab them and chuck them over the railing. The men fly through the air and CRASH into the lower display cases. The front doors suddenly BURST OPEN, The crazed mob pours into the museum. Our heroes haul-ass across the balcony and down the staircase.  

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