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A going-away party had been thrown for me and my baby in the ballroom of Ryker's pack mansion. Tonight has finally arrived, I will be able to escape from Earth and enter into The Abyss to find my family. Ryker and I hadn't spoken since that evening by the ocean. He stayed at Lelling's headquarters most nights to devise plans to find his mate.

Catherine and Damien along with their whole pack had welcomed me with open arms this evening. Their ballroom was decorated beautifully by Aria and she even put a 'It's a Girl' banner by the entrance. Many pack members were dancing and mingling with each other.

Ryker strolled into the ballroom room, and approached me. He was wearing a smooth midnight blue tuxedo with messy hair that made him look even more attractive. I turned around and tried to walk away but he called out to me.

"Miss Carce."

"Yes, what is it Alpha Ryker?" I asked, trying to act unbothered even though I was sweating buckets.

"How are you feeling? I heard that you had contractions last night but that it was a false call. Doctor Melissa said that you would be going into labour before you enter the portal. I already performed the opening rituals for the portal, it only opens when you use the blood of a descendant of Alpha Rolan. It will remain open for another three hours. At midnight, it will be sealed for centuries. In the event that you enter labour and things get hectic, my mother let Doctor Melissa know where the portal is located, she will direct you." He said as I absorbed all the information.

Joey and Cameron both came and took Ryker away to greet Lelling's Elders who decided to make an appearance because of Catherine. I walked by them and headed to find Melissa when one of the Elders gripped onto the black sleeve of my cardigan.

"You are making a terrible, terrible mistake." Her voice croaked out before she turned and greeted Ryker.

I panicked and sprinted towards the other side of the ballroom to find Melissa who was conversing with Theta. I pulled both of them into a hug and thanked them for everything they have done for me.

"We love you, Amelia. We want you to find your family. It must have been tough to disguise yourself during all of this time but if Ryker Hill found out that you are a Limand then he would have thrown you into jail because of your family who snuck into the portal without permission." Theta mused out loud, confirming my previous doubts that Melissa did in fact lie to him and did not tell him that I am Ryker's mate. If Theta knew the truth then he would not have helped us.

"Honey, can you find Allison please?" Melissa requested as Theta kissed her cheek and went off to find their four year old daughter.

"Okay, we don't have much time. The portal is located underneath a dock that is situated in the same ocean that Ryker's party was hosted at a couple weeks ago. He already opened it up so you don't even have to wait for anyone to bring you. As soon as you get a chance, slip out of the ballroom and shift into your wolf. We will be leaving now, best of luck. If you ever return to Earth, come find us, okay?" Melissa informed before Theta came back with Allison. I kissed them all goodbye and wiped away my tears. I didn't want to make a scene because technically Melissa isn't allowed to leave until she delivers my baby.


The party was slowly coming to an end and a few pack members began to exit. I slipped away from Aria and camouflaged myself within the crowd who were exiting. I made it outside when suddenly a rough hand yanked me out of the crowd and held a knife at my neck.

"Quiet!" The man holding the knife shouted when I began to struggle. I recognized his voice as Theta's Beta, Allen. I couldn't do much with this ten pound silicon pregnancy belly strapped to my waist though.

Hiding From HIM // Ten, Nine, Eight...Forever His Mate. *Completed*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt