Chapter V

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"Your stupid ideas aren't going to work!" Damien shouts annoyed at Asher, Micah, and Collin. "Ah. But it will, Alpha."Collin pushes Damien out of his office. "Kasey is in the spare bed near Damien's bedroom. Damien has been checking on Kasey consistently." Shadow snickers but Damien knew better enough to slap Shadow or else Kasey might try to haunt him. "Damien!" Claire shouted to the alpha male. "Her again," Damien mutters under his breath as he spots the alpha female. "Flare and I had a wonderful talk." Claire fakes her smile as Flare is walking over to Shadow quickly to get away from the monster that she refers to Claire as. "More like a wonderful threat." Flare mimicked Claire's fake innocent voice that only Shadow could hear. "Kasey will get her later when she gets Kasey in a rage." Shadow and Flare quickly laugh together. Collin sniffs the air and soon disappeared away from the group. Asher, Micah, Flare, and Shadow were standing where Damien and Claire were talking. Damien and Claire were more like having a not so friendly agreement again. Collin had used his scent to find Kasey. Collin spotted few empty glasses and ripped up pages from a spellbook tucked underneath the bed. Collin examined the items he found and came up with a reasonable cause of Kasey's health has been dropping. "Claire." He growled. Collin was in the bedroom for awhile until Shadow came in and spotted Collin sitting in the chair facing towards the small desk. "And what are you doing?" Shadow asked with a friendly voice. "Claire." Collin managed to say as he continued back to the items. "Claire caused something? Yes, now she'll be gone!" Shadow first cheered but changed his attitude, "I mean bad that Kasey is in bad conditions. How come it couldn't be Elijah?" "That's it!" Collin jumped out of the chair, "that explains the ripped pages from a spell book and the empty bottles was Claire trying to poison Kasey to cause her to get weaker. Elijah and Claire are pairing up which explains the familiar scent." "The ripped pages were the reverse spells of healing?" Shadow tilted his head in confusion. "Yes! I am guessing Elijah's jealousy got the best of him and he wanted to stop the healing process to help weaken her." Collin said happily that he might found a solution to the problem. "We need evidence that they were the ones," Shadow says. "Kasey is our evidence because her demon still exists. Her demon senses and can see things because only Kasey can see her demon." Collin replies. "Solution to wake Kasey up!" Shadow said snapping Collin back to the reality of their friend still in a coma. "Flare will convince Damien to figure it out," Collin smirks as he races to tell Flare his plan that leaves Shadow alone. "Thanks for all that you've done for me. I know protecting the people of Glacial isn't easier especially if Collin, you, and I knew the prophecy. I don't understand why they leave you with the hardest task." Shadow says holding her cold hand as he could hear her breathing slowly. Shadow sighed and walked out to the bedroom to find Collin and Flare.

 Shadow sighed and walked out to the bedroom to find Collin and Flare

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"My demon..." I blink my eyes to adjust to the light. I can't remember how long it's been since I last saw life on earth. "H-How did I awake?" This was the first question I wanted to know and I was relying on Collin or Shadow to give me an honest answer. "Y-Your second kiss...from the same one..." Collin speaks as he's afraid that I'll hurt him. "I'd punch you but I'm still weak but I'll get you. You're off the list for now!" I warned Collin and not processing what Collin said in my brain. "There's the old Kasey I know!" Collin smiles. "I'll wipe that smile off your face!" I said in a bad mood. "Oh, Kasey." Shadow laughs while shaking his head. "Now what?" Damien sheepishly asked with light red cheeks. "Awww you're blushing!" Flare jumped up and down squealing. "Flare stop!" Damien said trying to hide his face with his hood. "What's going on now?" I asked groaning with my headache that started with all the noise. "We need to give her rest," Shadow said pushing everyone away except for Micah and Collin. "Does she still remember?" Micah asked about her past. "Both of us can't say for sure. Damien might remember you but Kasey can't remember Damien that much." Collin replies. "Damien and Kasey are childhood friends. You and Kasey were kidnapped together but she probably tries to forget." Shadow clarifies for Micah to understand. "I understand. I'd want to forget it too...." Micah says making herself cringe when she thinks of it. "It surely must have been scarring..." Shadow sighs reading Micah's facial expression. Micah attempts to block out the flashback from her mind and almost breaks down sobbing. Micah couldn't bear to relive the moment of the kidnapping, it was a terrifying experience to think about it for her. "Anything about the kidnapped?" Collin asked wanting information to add to his knowledge. "I can't say because it's that horrible and I don't want to look back into the past. Archer...he broke her heart into pieces and left a scar in her heart. I saw it all because I observed Archer and I wanted to know if I was correct. I wanted to find out if Archer truly cared about my friend and he didn' was all a lie." Micah said feeling hurt inside for her friend. "Maybe...we'll leave you two to talk and catch up. We'll come back later to talk individually." Shadow nods his head as they exit the bedroom. "What are you still doing here? Alpha, shouldn't you be working?" Collin asked after closing the door that Micah had locked from the inside of the bedroom. "Don't question me!" Damien tried to show anger but he couldn't because he wanted to check on his friend. "Bad luck for you. Get away from Kasey and let her rest. Micah locked the door and I don't think you want to set a bad example for young pups." Collin smirks. "How's Kasey? I heard she woke up..." Damien's face lightens up with knowing the news of his friend broke away from the coma.

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