Chapter I

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A few days later, I woke up to be in another cell underground with metal bars everywhere and I spotted two people dressed in armor that you could be mistaken them for guards. "Where am I?" I said out loud. "Nathan, tell Commander Archer that the girl is awake!" The girl said to the guy that I assume is Nathan. Nathan left the underground dungeon to tell their commander. "I am Eve and you must be?" Eve asked for my name. "K-Kasey," I whisper quietly to Eve. "Wow! That's a name." Eve told me. " could say that," I replied as I sighed. "Eve!" Nathan called as he came down the staircase. Eve and I turned our heads to Nathan before he continued on. "Commander Archer told me to bring her to the Guildhall. Everyone else is here to see and state their minds out tonight," Nathan continued his message as he unlocked the metal door and chained my wrists, "the guards will escort her as we must take our assign seats in Guildhall because everyone already began eating." "Is it Sir Axel and Sir Adam?" Eve guessed and Nathan nodded. Eve and Nathan exited the underground dungeon as the guards took me away towards another direction. "Young lady, we won't harm you in any case. Our commander is requesting to see you and question you. Young lady, I am Adam and my friend over to your right is Axel." Adam said to me as I kept silent. The guards led me to the Guildhall where everyone was staring as I walked by. I heard whispers coming from every direction I turned my head until I was forced to my knees and faced their commander. "Speak young lady!" Archer commanded me to speak. I lowered my head as I tried to speak but nothing came out. "Miss, what's your name?" Archer asked politely and I shook my head no. "What a pity you can't remember." I said softly with a hidden smirk. "Show me yourself, miss" Archer asked me. "Chained up doesn't really do someone any good now does it?" I smirked. "What is she talking about to Commander Archer? I know surely he would be ready to throw her back into the cell." Eve whispers to Nathan. "Perhaps they know each other because remember he wasn't born here...nobody knows his story." Nathan reminds Eve. "I am not playing games with you again. I need to know if you are [her] or not! If you're not then I surely will kill you with one fight." Archer threatens me. "Funny. I was thinking the same thing, Archer." I narrow my eyes as I broke the chains using my demon strength. The guards were prepared to come at but Archer held them off making everyone confused. "It's been awhile, Kasey." Archer manages to say. "Haven't changed a bit." I laughed as Archer moved down from his chair. Archer's steps were coming closer and closer until he was right in front of me. "Private talk now," Archer whispers in my ear. "Commander Archer, what shall we do?" Adam asked the leader. "Everyone you're free for the rest of tonight and report to bed before midnight. We have an important meeting tomorrow and those people know who they are." Archer spoke to the crowd and led me away to his office. The walls were soundproof for a reason so nobody could hear what conversations were being made inside his office. "Where were you...all those years after the escape?" Archer pushed me to the wall. "Running away from the tragic events that haunt me still," I told him. "You're the one that everyone has been talking about. You've killed many lives..." Archer said. "What can I say? I do what I got to do to survive." I smirked as I felt my back against the cold wall. "Well, what have you been doing for the years making up for the torture?" Archer asked. "Assassin Circle is my's where I'm meant to be." I told him. "Funny. Our Lord is out and I am second in charge." Archer laughs. "Yeah." I told him as I pushed him off. I took out my demonic sword and held the sword to his throat. "How dare you! You messed with me!" I shout angrily. "Forgive and forget, Kasey. That's in the past and you need to move on!" Archer told me. "Yeah no, Archer! This is your fault and I will blame you for all of this! And how you tried to killed her is not okay!" I said moving my sword closer to his throat. "Just give it up already and don't get attach so easily not that you couldn't stop!" Archer laughs as I so badly want to hurt him. I growled as I drew my sword away from him. "Where are you going?" Archer asked as I smashed the glass window into pieces with my fist. "Away from your hideous face!" I spat, "I am going back to where I belong.." "Kasey, you ready?" Serenity calls out to me as I lowered down the rope and threw my backpack down to her. "What's going on?" Archer asked cluelessly. "You really thought I was here to make peace? Funny how you might think that. I was here acting all out and you Commander Archer just got played." I laughed. "Finally! I get away from this filthy place." Eve said as she shot a sleeping arrow at Archer. "Wow, he's really dumb." Nathan said stepping over the sleeping Archer. "Do we have everything we need?" I asked. "Yes, Lady Kasey." They said to me. "Perfect. These bandits won't know what hit them." I smirked as we all climbed down the rope and ended towards the woods. Nova was waiting for us with her wyverns already saddled up to fly us back to the guild. "For a second I could have sworn you were starting to crush on him." Nathan laughed and Eve elbowed him to quiet down. "I don't have time for nonsense like that." I snort as I commanded the wyvern to fly faster ahead. "Great now look what you've done to our Lady. She's gonna rage tomorrow and the whole guild will have to deal with her anger." Nova slapped Nathan hard. "Why is everyone now picking on me? What happened to her and Archer?" Nathan asked as Serenity rolled her eyes. "He'll never learn." Serenity mutters under breath as she sped up to her friend.

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