Not on His Watch

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Dean set down the book and turned. Cas stood in the door way looking elsewhere.

Dean tsked asking "Where have you been?"

"Jerusalem," Cas said looking at Dean.

Oh how was it," Dean asked with sarcasm and anger hinting in his voice.

"Aired." Cas answered back walking towards him.

Placing a strange jar on the table.

"What is that," Dean asked with a confused face.

"Its oil. Very special. Very rare."

Cas sat down in a wooden chair very slowly and cautiously.

Great, so we trap it with a nice vinaigrette."


Dean shook his head asking, "So this ritual of yours, when does it go down?"


Dean nodded before saying, "So tell me something, we are just gonna catch this guy. Isn't it like trapping a hurricane in a butterfly net?"

"No, its harder," Cas said looking down slowly.

Dean nodded solemnly, "Do we have any chance of surviving this?"

"You do."

Dean looked shocked and slightly saddened, "So uh, odds are you are a dead man tomorrow."

Cas looked up at Dean, "Yes."

Dean looked away quickly walking past Cas, "Well last day on earth what uh," Dean turned around and stared at the back of Cas,"are your plans?"

Cas looked over solemnly at Dean and stated, "i just thought I would sit here, quietly."

Dean looked around surprised as hell and shifted his weight, IDude, Come on anything? Booze? Women?"

Cas looked at Dean quickly and then looked away faster. Dean lowered his head sslightl and stared at him confused. Cas looked down into his lap.

"You have been with women before, right? Or an Angel at least?"

Cas rubbed the back of his neck nervously and then looked out the window. Dean put his hands on his own knees leaning over Castiel's shoulder.

"You mean to tell me, you have never been out there a little cloud sitting."

"Look I've never had occasion, okay," Castiel admitted solemnly.

Dean stood up throwing up his right hand and licked his lips. Pursed them as he nodded quickly.

"Alright," he stated as he walked quickly walking to the table sliding his jacket on, "There is too things I know for certain. One, Bert and Erie are gay. Two, you are not gonna die a virgin. Not on my watch."

Dean slammed the book closed before turning on his heels, "Let's Go."

Dean walked out if the room and Cas looked at him and turned away. Hesitating before he stood up running after Dean.



Dean and Cas sat at a booth across from one another. Dean smiling ear to ear staring at the bartender as Cas stare at Dean with fear.

Dean looked over at Cas in surprise, "Hey, relax."

'This is a den of iniquity. I should not be here."

"Dude, you full-on rebelled against heaven. Iniquity is one of the perks," Dean insisted.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2017 ⏰

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