He walked away and Phil went back to his desk, sitting down in the swivel chair and switching on the computer. He rocked backwards and forwards with his inbox up, waiting for the ding of a new email. A pop up suddenly appeared and he clicked on it.

Hey Phil,
I have attached information about the latest game you will be writing about. Send me it when you're done. It doesn't have to be long.

He started reading, taking a pen out of his bag and sucking on the end. It always helped him think. He jotted down some ideas and then started to work.

When it got to his break, he wondered who he would sit with. Luckily as he was standing up and stretching, Chris stopped by his desk.
"Do you wanna sit with me and my friend Pj at lunch?"
"Yes please." Phil replied, happy he wouldn't be alone.

They walked through to the lunchroom together and Chris waved at a man with curly brown hair and startling green eyes. They moved towards the table and Chris introduced them.
"Phil, Pj. Pj, Phil. He's new in today," he told him.
"Hey Phil, good day so far?" Pj asked politely.
"Yeah. Thanks for letting me sit with you." he said, then blushed a little, feeling foolish. He wasn't at school anymore, why was he being so childish?

He went and bought some lunch and sat back down next to Chris. He joined in with their chat but noticed something out of the corner of his eye: Dan sitting across the room. Eating alone.

"Does Dan always eat alone?" He asked Pj thoughtfully.
"Yeah, we ask him over every so often but he always says no," he shrugged back.
"Oh, okay." Phil replied, nibbling his lip.

After lunch he got back to writing. About an hour before he had to leave he had finished the article, edited and laid it out as professionally as possible. He sent it to Chris and started drumming his fingers on the desk in a tune. He stopped after a minute, realising it was probably annoying, but then he heard someone tap out the next part of the tune. He looked around wildly to find out who it was, but he couldn't see. He tapped some more, and the anonymous drummer replied. He and the mystery tapper kept it up for a while, Phil trying to discover who it was who also loved Fall out boy, but he couldn't find them.

He only stopped when the song came to an end and he got a reply from Chris.

Very good Phil. I think your writing style is interesting and just what we need. Keep up the good work. :)

He smiled at the computer and looked at his watch. He had plenty of time to kill. Coffee and Tetris it was then.

Phil went to the machine and made himself a coffee. He debated adding sugar but I decided to have it black, just to feel more professional. Wow, he already cared a lot more than he should.

He sat back at his desk, playing games online until it was time to go, trying not to get too into them. As he picked up his briefcase he saw Dan smiling at him from a few desks back. He looked down at his bag again, putting his pens into it. It must have been a smirk, why would Dan smile at him? Had he got something on his face or stuck to his back? He looked up again to check if Dan had been smiling or not, to search his face for any welcoming emotions, but he had gone.

The next few months were like that, except Phil never found out who the mysterious tapper was. He had heard someone humming along to the same song once or twice, but whenever he tried to discover where it came from they stopped. He knew it was from someone behind him, but whoever it was they were too good to be found out. Why were they so afraid to talk to him?

One morning Chris called him into his office and Dan was already standing there, leaning against the wall, looking bored of course.
"Right, Robbie wants me to inform you that you will be doing a project together. You will be going to Japan together for the annual gaming convention and be interviewing people about the games. You will leave in a week and you will stay for 7 days, all expenses payed for. Any problems?" He asked, looking mainly at Dan, who shrugged back, wrinkling his nose at the fact he had to go with Phil.
"Guess not." he replied and Phil rolled his eyes at Chris, who just raised his eyebrows back.

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