"I'm scared of him." I can hear Gabby snort, but I'm serious.

"Liam...? You're scared of Liam?"

"Yes. Especially now that he's a werewolf. The way he looks at me like I'm some type of prey or like he's going to slice my neck off. When he was younger it wasn't as bad, but now it's different. It's a whole new type of fear I have... I don't think you'd understand."

Gabby sits back, shaking her head.

"I think I get it. Sometimes I feel fear by his eyes when we're having sex... But - but I think that's more of his Alpha than...that..." I scoff sarcastically." But when I turned him into a werewolf, I felt great fear at that point. But that was the only time..."

"I am sorry for what I did back than..."

"You're telling that to the wrong person Aaron."

I chuckle, rubbing the back of my neck.

"I guess I am huh...?"

"I have an idea. How about you try to get on his good side. Remind him of the good things, and maybe - just maybe - he'll forget his hatred for you."

"You think?" When she nods I smile, standing from the chair as I look out, seeing him with the twins." I know exactly how..."


I watch the the twins as they give another rock.

"Found another crystal. You can sell it, and make millions!!" Greyson gave me another rock, that sparkles in the sun, but was just dull.

"Thanks. I'll put it right here. I'll wait for more! I want to be even more rich!" I point towards the area they come from, making them giggle as they run over.

At least eleven rocks. And guess what, I'm keeping all of them. Dirt caked on it and all.

"So," I see Aaron plop down next to me, eyes excited as he held a rock in his hand," I see you like rocks." I grab his rock, throwing it over the fence.

"No. I like my kids rocks. They're hands are pure, unlike you and I." Aaron laughs, patting my back.

"Yeah? You and I don't have the best track record. And then there's the coppery smell...right?" I looked at him, his eyebrows raised, waiting for my answer. I blinked a few times, nodding at his answer.

"Yes..." I thought I was the only one that smelled that smell. I guess not.

"Daddy we found some more!!" The twins came running over, and they held out rocks with different patterns. I took them, leaving two in their hands.

"You two, give those to Uncle A please." They smiled, turning to him as he looked at them, taking them as he examined them.

"Thank you for these rocks-."

"They're crystals." I whisper.

"Oh! Crystals!! Thank you for these crystals! I will...what do you want me to do?"

"Sell them!! Make millions! Billions! We are the scavengers! Looking for the boogie! And you guys are the captain of the ship!"

Aaron didn't seem to get it at all.

"The ship is the playground." I whisper, and he nods, smiling as he puts them beside him.

"Okay than, go find me and your Dad some more crystals!" They ran off again and I folded my arms. Why was he out here. Why was he next to me. I just want to be with my kids without him.

"So," Aaron grabbed one of the rocks the twins gave him, dusting dirt off," I have been thinking-."

"Uh oh."

"Ha. I've been thinking, remember that place you and I used to go to as kids? When you were like...three and I was seven? You could make your own cake or favorite pastry, then you could either eat it, or-."

"Smack it in the persons face? Yeah, I loved that place." I smile. I still can't believe there's a place that does that." Why do you bring it up?"

"Because. Maybe...we could go there. And you can bring Jules and Greyson."

That didn't sound so bad... And the twins love sweet things, they got their sweet tooth from me.

"I can't." Aaron nods, looking at his lap." But I can do it next week." Immediately his head pops back up." I have work, so I can't do it this week. But maybe next Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday or-."

"I get it." He wraps his arm around my shoulder, shaking me excitedly." Brothers and a pair of brothers going to cake each other!! Isn't this exciting!?"

"Haha. Sure." I smirked at his happiness, this time I wasn't out for revenge. Whatever. Maybe I can see about this cake thing. Never know.

The Emergence Of The Alpha Twins  ( UNDER REVISING )Where stories live. Discover now