Chapter 27-It was just a dare

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"Yes he's so hot!" Caroline exclaimed dramatically fanning herself with her perfectly manicured hands.
"No he's not" I disagreed giving the TV my attention.

"Oh, come on the guy looks like fucking Dylan Sprayberry" she pointed at the TV. I rolled my eyes and rested my legs on Caroline's lap, and stuffing my face with popcorn. Caroline eyed my legs and pursed her legs.

"You know if I didn't have a hot guy on the TV screen I would shove your legs off right?" She quired. I turned on the couch and smiled at her. "Well let's be glad he is" I giggled.

"Whatever Jessie" Caroline sipped her soda. "So have you talked about the kiss with Jake yet?"

I glanced at Caroline shrugging. "No but I'm planning on it."

Caroline sighed turning to me. "You're planning on it? Jessy it's almost been a week."

"And it's almost been a week since Jake hasn't talk to me" I looked at my legs. "But when I'm ready I will talk to him."

"So what's up with you and Mason?" I asked. Caroline looked at me and sighed."Well it's getting no where, so maybe I should move on" she replied.

"Yeah... Maybe. Look you and Mason are compatible and made for each other. You can't just give up something so good." I explained.

"But then I'll be a homewrecker" Caroline pouted.

I glanced around for a few seconds before finally shrugging. "Who cares?" Caroline giggled and played with her hair.

"You really think he likes me?" Caroline squealed hugging me.

"Yes, you are smart, considerate and a beautiful young lady. What's not to like." I smiled. Caroline smiled looking at her soda.

"You're right, what's not to like" Caroline smirked shrugging.


How in hell am I supposed to face Jake without turning into a stuttering idiot. How in hell?

Walking down the school hallway with continuous turning heads wasn't exactly an enjoyment. I have about half an hour until class starts so I should read something to pass time. I walked in the library to have the same problem I had in the hallway...turning heads. I strutted down to the back of the library at my favourite spot. I rested my bag on the table and just as I was about to sit down I heard distant voices.

"I hope it works cause I really wanna ask her out"I heard a familiar voice say."You can always try it out now" I heard him say. The voice I loved so much and always wanting to hear more of. The voice that sounds so mature and strong. The voice that. . . the voice that i ... I don't know.

Before I could run Jake was turning the corner that lead to me. I frantically started shaking like a deer caught in headlights not knowing what to do. I did the only thing that any human with a functioning brain would do. Talk. "Hey Jake" I waved. Jake looked up and immediately locked eyes with me. "What are you doing here?" Jake patiently ask. "What are you talking about I'm in the library?" I looked around confused. Jake pointed behind me and I slowly turned around to be face to face with a sign.


I looked back to see Jake narrowing his beautiful teal orbs at me. "Oh that," I giggled nervously, "I was just walking by, you know to check out the ah... atmosphere? I asked more than stating.

Jake laughed. And for the first time have I heard something so heavenly. He looked so cute smiling and all. His laugh was so gentle and soothing. A sound that would make Anyone fall asleep quickly. I couldn't stop the smile from breaking out on my face. I could stand here and listen to him all day. No matter if I would be late for class...

Jake slowly recovered from his laugh. "Seriously?" He asked, "the atmosphere?"
"I really gotta get to class" he smirked.

"Wait Jake" I stopped him. "About the kiss" Jake's smirk dropped and he rolled his eyes leaning against a shelf.
"Just drop it ok" Jake sighed.

"Yeah but-" I tried to continue.
"Jessy stop" Jake cascaded his hand through his hair.

"I wanted to-" I tried again.

"Jessy just stop it!" Jake yelled. It meant nothing it was just a dare. Nothing more. Get that through your head and get over it." Jake rolled his eyes again walking away.

"I just wanted to... Never mind" I talked to myself. Jake was long gone.


Guys something's wrong so I won't update for a kinda long time. I don't know when I will. I have internet problems so please stay with me. So I'll see you when I see you. Bye for now I'll miss you guys

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