Chapter 3

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The sun stood high as Lelouch sat by himself at a table in the gardens of the palace, drinking a cup of tea near a small lake, waiting for his guests to arrive.

A week ago he had a life that was as normal as it could be for a prince, now, not only was he married to an Empress but was also Emperor of the Chinese Federation, the second most powerful man in the world.

His coronation was yesterday, so there was still a lot of guests at the palace. The rest of the royal family had already ventured home to Britannia, Schniezel left only a few hours ago as the last of them.

"Your Majesty" a maid said from behind him "Prime Minister Genbu Kururugi of Japan is here to see you, along with his son."

"Show them here," Lelouch said, sipping his tea "and fetch two chairs, as well as some more tea and two cups."

"Yes your Majesty" she said before walking away, a minute later two chairs were sat at the table.

This wasn't intended as an official meeting, but rather a meeting between the leaders of two nations to make each others acquaintance. Lelouch could hear people approach, he stood up from his chair to greet them.

Lelouch new trademark clothes moved in the soft breeze as he looked at the three men approaching him.

Genbu Kururugi, the Prime Minister of Japan, was a man of the people, he cared much for the Japanese people and the country, but right now Lelouch found the fact that he had brought his ten-year-old son to this meeting strange.

The maid was accompanying the two Japanese men as they came into the garden.

"Your Majesty" they all said, bowing slightly to him, though the young Kururugi didn't seem to like it very much.

"It's an honor to meet you, your Majesty" Genbu said "allow me to introduce my son Suzaku Kururugi" Genbu pushed Suzaku a bit forward.

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Prime Minister Kururugi and Suzaku Kururugi" Lelouch said with a smile, he then gestured for the chairs as another maid brought the tea "do take a seat."

"Would you care for a cup of tea?" Lelouch asked.

"Yes, your Majesty" they said, Lelouch then gestured for the maid to pour up in the cups.

"I must say that I am a bit surprised that you brought your son to our little meeting Prime Minister" he said, gesturing to Suzaku.

"I apologize for not notifying you, your Majesty" Genbu began "but I couldn't leave him alone in Japan, ever since his mother passed away I have been his only family."

"I see" Lelouch sat his cup down "One should always value family highly Prime Minister Kururugi, actions like these show a strong man."

"T-Thank you, your majesty."

"Plus" Lelouch smiled "It's not often that I meet someone my own age."

The three laughed, easing a bit of tension between them, even Suzaku seemed to ease up a bit.

The rest of their little meeting went quite well, Lelouch was still young, so this wasn't of much importance, but he did earn good friends in Genbu and Suzaku. As they sat under the sun they were even joined by Nunnally.

Nunnally and Lelouch quickly became friends with Suzaku, even convincing Genbu to stay for a few weeks before going back to Japan.

Over the time the three young children became very close, making many fond memories with each other, this was a time they would always treasure. But then it all seemed to come crashing down a few days before Genbu and Suzaku had to return to Japan, Britannian forces had moved into Japan and began to conquer it.

"I wish I could help" Lelouch said as he, Tianzi and Nunnally were bidding them farewell "But the Chinese Federation is technically allied with Britannia, it would end in a disaster if we interfered."

"Don't worry" Suzaku said "It isn't your fault that your father is invading Japan."

"We can take care of ourselves" Genbu reassured him.

"Still" Lelouch said.

"Well get through this on our own" Genbu said, looking at his pocket watch "We have to go now, the plane will be leaving soon."

The farewell was short, for time was of the essence at the time, but something was nagging Lelouch as he stood in the gardens after his new friend had left.

'Father said he would send Nunnally and me to Japan, as bargaining tools' Lelouch thought 'has he been planning this invasion for long, does he really care for Nunnally and me if he would have sent us there?'

Lelouch looked up at the sky, dark gray clouds were rolling in and thunder could be heard in the background.

'Of course he doesn't, why would he, were just pieces on his chessboard after all' Lelouch tightened his fist 'I swear, one day I will obliterate Britannia and its ideas!'

As Lelouch thought out this, a mighty thunderclap could be heard and lightning struck somewhere.

A/N A little short, but it will do for now I hope. Hope you like this chapter, even though it's short. 


Prince of Britannia Emperor of the Chinese FederationWhere stories live. Discover now