"Morty," Summer opened his bedroom door to find Morty curled up on his bed. "Ju-Just go away, Summer. I'm no-not going."
      The red head rolled her eyes and shut the door, "Look, you're not gonna be alone. I got asked to go with one of the seniors, so I'll be there tonight. I get to attend one more prom in my life. So, you know, please go get ready, so I can too? I just don't want to see you throw an opportunity like this away. Go have fun, make friends, find somebody. You gotta understand, sometimes fairy tales actually happen. Go to this prom, maybe yours will happen." Morty sat up on his bed, facing Summer now. "Do y-you really think I-I have a chance for an-any of that to happen?"
Summer nodded, grinning. "I think you have a better chance than most people."

       "Alright. Y-You'll be there?" Summer nodded, "I'll even show up with you. My date's gonna meet me there, apparently," Summer grumbled. "O-Okay. I ju-just need a little bit."
"You have an hour, then we gotta go get pictures for mom and dad real quick." With that, Summer stepped from the room. Morty sighed heavily and sat on his bed for a bit, watching YouTube to settle down. He didn't really think he would get a fairytale ending in his life, but it was worth a shot.


       Morty stood in front of the mirror, inspecting his suit. He'd managed to do it correctly, though he felt a bit dumb in it. Sure, he looked good in it, probably the best he'd ever looked, but there was something about it. He just didn't feel like suits were meant for him, in a sense.

       "Morty! Come on!" Summer stood at the bottom of the stairs from what Morty could hear. The brunet put the phone he'd recently gotten into an inner pocket on his suit jacket, checking the collar and his curls before he wandered from his room with his head down. "Why d-do people dr-dress like this willingly?"
       "Aw, Morty! You look so grown up and handsome!" Summer clapped and giggled, leading Morty through the house. "Alright," she led Morty to stand in front of the garage door, finding it a bit odd that it was shut and Rick wasn't tormenting them for dolling up and attending a 'stupid high school hormone-infested dance'. "I'll take a picture of you, then you take one of me, and we'll get one together. Then we'll be on our way."
       "O-Okay," Morty nodded, taking the phone from Summer. She stood with her hands folded in front of herself over the red material of her dress. It was sleeveless and cut off above her knees, making her appear more grown up and professional. Morty took a few photos, knowing Summer liked to scroll through and find the best one, before they traded. Morty stood tall and placed his hands in his pockets, smiling at the camera. He adjusted his curls before he and Summer took one final selfie together. "I think mom will like these," Summer commented. She threw her phone in her purse and grabbed the keys to her little car she'd received as a graduation present. "Let's go find your happily ever after, Morty."

       While Summer drove, singing along with the radio, Morty slumped in his seat. He didn't want to go, but Summer said she'd be there, too, which put him at ease. He was silently hoping he would get the fairly tale ending Summer promised as they neared the high school.

       Once inside, Summer and Morty separated almost immediately. His sister had found her date and was immediately pulled away without warning, leaving Morty to sit at one of the round tables on his own. He should have known he'd still be alone.
       The brunet listened to the music, sitting alone for well over an hour as he occasionally grabbed glasses of punch. He watched people dancing for a while and wondered if he should just leave now. Nobody was talking to him, nobody was looking at him, and Summer was gone. Morty could see her over in the corner, laughing with her date. Jessica was near them, too. Dancing with Brad, just like Morty expected. He chuckled sardonically before staring at the small punch glass in his hands.
       Morty stood with a sigh, pushing his chair in and tossing the paper cup into the nearly garbage bin.

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