Chapter XXXI ♥ Paris

Start from the beginning

"I thought you knew some French?" she shrugged and sat back, returning to her food before it grew cold.

"Yeah, my dad taught me when I was little. I can't remember half of it," she commented, taking a bite from her food. I hummed in thought.

"You don't talk much about your family," I decided to bring up, but I wasn't too sure if it was a touchy subject or not. She nodded slowly before taking a deep breath and moved into a more upright positon.

"Yeah, I guess... my parents got divorced when I was five and my dad moved back to France and started another family. He comes to see me when I'm at nationals, but I haven't talked to him for quite some time," she admitted to me, and I couldn't help but feel a little relief that she was willing to talk about it.

"So you're half French?" I peered at her curiously, peaking at her features. She shrugged.

"Yeah, but not many people can tell," she said, stroking a quick finger down the side of her cheek.

"Maybe you should be the one wearing this beret," I indicated towards my head.

"I don't think that's needed," she told me with a chuckle, returning to her food. I hummed in though.

"You've always had a great fashion sense. But now that we're on the subject, I've wanted to talk to you about that," she furrowed her brows at me.

"About what?"

"You were sort of like a goth, right? So why did you decide to suddenly change?" she finished chewing before answering me.

"I wouldn't say I was a goth, more like I was gothic. I loved my black hair and all the black makeup. It just felt like... me,"

"Then why change?" she sighed at my question.

"You know, it was a sudden decision but I don't necessarily regret it. I mean... I miss it, sure, but there's always two sides to a coin," I couldn't tell if she was disappointed with herself or not.

"Thank you," I told her with honesty, knowing it was because of me that she decided to change so drastically. She took a deep breath and nodded.

"Not a single regret,"

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The entire day we spent checking out the popular sights. The Arc De Triomphe was none of my favourites because it reminded me of the large structures I saw in Spain. Sarina's favourite was rather obvious, as it was the Eiffel Tower. The reason for this was the fact that late afternoon we went to have a private meal on the very top, and we did not take the stairs.

It was starting to get dark and we saw the sunset from the top of the tower. It was like a Van Gogh painting with all the beautiful mixtures of colours from such altitude. To say we were the same as when we arrived the morning was a bit untrue. Sarina opened to me about a lot of things through the day and me as well. I told her a bit about my brother's insecurities and about my mother's harsh decisions. She told me about some memories she had with her father and how her mother was never really the same after that.

It was because of that hard time in her life that she turned to guitar for a coping mechanism, seeing as gymnastics had been there even before all that happened.

I felt honoured at the fact that she was willing to tell me about herself in such depth, but I guess that was what a good relationship entailed. Communication was key and love was the lock. I wouldn't say that I was in love with Sarina, but in this moment I had never adored anyone more. I felt like I was on top of the world with her by my side, and looking out over the tower's railings, I truly felt that.

"Have you ever been here?" Sarina elected to ask me, cuddled up against my one arm as we looked over Paris.

"Besides Spain, I've never outside the UK," I admitted to her.

"But why? If it's so easy for you to go to another country, like I don't even know how you did the documentation in such a short time, then why haven't you ever just popped into Russia for a quick visit?" her curiosity took a hold of her, and I sighed in response.

"It wouldn't be fun to go alone. So I guess I never had the right person to go with," I looked towards her with a bright smile, her eyes immediately meeting mine. We stood there for a little while, so close that out breaths tangles with each other's. Her eyes held such beautiful spectrums that it made my knees weak. What did I ever do to deserve someone this perfect?

And I had strict beliefs about perfection.

She leaned down towards me the same time I headed up, our lips meeting halfway. We kissed slowly but passionately, gripping onto each other as if we wouldn't survive another day. A faint 'Ooh la la!' was heard behind us from the French chef but neither of us cared enough to stop. This was our moment, and we were making the most of it.

A loud swooshing sounds began to overtake us as an intense wind surrounded us. Sarina pulled away from me in shock, probably thinking a tornado would attack us. Her eyes grew wider by the second when she realized the source of the air currents. As if ceremoniously, a pitch black helicopter rose up at the side of the tower, stopping right in front of us. It hovered there and the door slid open to reveal Ian, a smug look on his face.

"Oh my chicken nuggets! What is happening?" Sarina took a few steps back, a disbelieving look plastered on her face. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Our lift is here," I announced, holding my hand out towards her. She looked at me in utter shock.

"Our what?!" an even louder 'Ooh la la!' sounded behind us as the chef fell dramatically into the waiter's arms, his hand over his heart. Hesitantly, Sarina accepted my hand and allowed herself to be pulled by me towards the edge of the tower. She suddenly dug her heels into the ground, stopping us form moving. "Wait!" she called to me and turned me to face her, her hands on my arms. My eyes were wide.

"Yes?" I chuckled nervously.

"Will you be my girlfriend?!" she shouted over the loud noises the helicopter made, but I didn't care one bit. My grin grew wider by the second as I felt my excitement wanting to burst.

"Yes!" I called out, moving to kiss her flush against her lips.

"Ah! Mon chéri! Mon Coeur!" the chef finally left the world of the living, falling slack against the waiter as he fell unconscious.

I pulled away from Sarina to give her one wide smile, one where I felt no bad thing could ever affect us again. I grabbed her hand and made a running towards the railing, Sarina following me as she laughed hysterically. I went to stand on the railing, maybe the most daring thing I've ever done and reached until Ian caught my hand. I was pulled into the helicopter and assisted in getting Sarina inside. We took our seats and put on the blood stopping seatbelts, Ian pulling the doors closed before taking his own seat. I could see that our luggage was already packed and on the helicopter, waiting to go with us.

"This is just crazy!" Sarina exclaimed, staring out the window as we flew over Paris towards the train station. I chuckled at her reaction.

"Well, I thought that we might need to go out in style!" she shook her head at me as if it was the craziest thing she had ever heard.

"Only you can pull this off," she told me, watching as the Eiffel Tower grew smaller from out bird eye view.

"Well, of course. I told you, didn't? Go big or go home," I didn't miss her teary eyes as we left our weekend getaway, and our very first date. I intertwined her fingers with mine, our vision trained on the City of Love.

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