Chapter 1: Time For Work!

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January 23rd, 2016

Harrison woke up to the sound of a beeping alarm clock. He reached over Carrie to turn it off.

He looked down at his sleeping wife and smiled. She had her arms wrapped around his waist and her head was laying on his chest.

Then he sighed once he realised he had to wake up his sleeping beauty.

He shook her to wake her up but she wouldn't wake up. After doing so for the next two minutes, he thought of a better way to wake up. He gently placed his lips to hers and her eyes fluttered open. She smiled and kissed his cheek. "Morning, Harry."

He smiled and kissed her again. "Morning, sleeping beauty."

She rubbed her eyes and sighed. "What time is it?" She asked. He sighed as well and looked at her. "Time to get ready. We have to be on set in twenty minutes." He said.

Carrie rolled out of the bed in their trailer and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth, once she came back, Harrison had fallen back asleep. She crouched down next to his ear and yelled his name.


He jumped up and Carrie was right next to him laughing. "Very funny, sweetheart, very funny." He said.

She smiled and pulled him out of bed. Once she did, instead of standing up, he fell to the floor. "Come on you big lazy potato, time to get ready for our first day on set." She said.

After contemplating about getting up, he finally did and the both of them started getting ready for their first day on set as husband and wife for the third and possibly last Star Wars movie.


Harrison and Carrie walked onto the set.

"I don't know about this, Carrie." He said nervously.

"Stay afraid but do it anyway."

He looked at her and sighed. "I'm not afraid, Carrie, I'm just a little concerned and maybe nervous. What if we can't act together?" He asked

Carrie stopped walking and looked at him. "Why wouldn't we be able to act together?" She asked while crossing her arms over her chest.

"I mean, we've never been married wow doing a film together." He said. Carrie nodded and gave him a kiss. "We'll be ok." She said.

He nodded.

"I promise, you know I would never lie to you, right?" She asked

He nodded. "Of course you wouldn't. I love you, Carrie." He said with a small smile. Carrie smiled and gave him a quick hug. "I love you, too. Now, let's go." She said.


Carrie and Harrison walked in, first greeted by George.

"Carrie, Harrison, how have you two been? I haven't seen you since the wedding." George said with a smile. Carrie smiled and hugged him. "We've been great, how about you?" She asked.

"I've been fine, just getting ready for this next movie. You guys ready?" George asked. Harrison shook George's hand then put his arm around Carrie. "Yes, we are." He said.

"Great! Let's start filming!" George exclaimed.


Everybody gathered around for the first cast call for the third star wars movie.

"I am George Lucas and this is the first ever cast call for the movie Star Wars: Revenge of the Jedi."

Everybody applauded and once they were done, he started talking again. "The first scene we will shoot is going to be the motor bike scene. So if you are not Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, or stormtrooper extra 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, then you may go to your trailer or stay around and watch.

Everybody started heading for their trailers while some got ready for the scene.

"Well, I'll be at our trailer." Harrison said. Carrie nodded and smiled. "Ok, I love you, Harry." She said.

"I love you too, Carebear. Knock them dead for me." He said. He kissed her then Carrie smiled. "I will," She said, "Bye, Harry."

"Bye, Carrie."

Carrie sighed and went to shoot the scene.

□■ □■ □■

Two and a half hours later, Carrie came back to their dressing room totally exhausted. She sat on the couch and Harrison walked out of their bedroom and sat beside her.

"That took a while . . ." He said. Carrie laughed and nodded her head. "Yeah, tell me about it. Apparently, me and Mark don't know how to sit on a bike and react to things that aren't there." She said.

"That hard, huh?" He asked. Carrie sighed and laid her head on his shoulder. "Yes, it was ridiculous. If we didn't react right to the simplest thing, we'd have to start the whole scene over. Even if we were just about done." Carrie said.

"Well, did you ever get the scene done?"

"Yeah, but he wasn't happy with it. We're going to reshoot it sometime in the next two weeks."

Harrison looked at his watch and it was 9:30 pm. "Well, sweetheart, we've got cast call at six am tomorrow so we best get to bed." Harrison said.

Carrie sighed and stood up. "Ok, let's go." She said. She tool his hand and they walked to the bedroom.

■■ □□ ■■

"Ok everyone, today is January 24th, 2016, and this is our second cast call for Star Wars: Revenge of the Jedi. The scenes we shoot today will be imperial scenes so if you have nothing to do with Darth Vader, the Emporer, the imperials, stormtroopers, or anything up that ally, then you can stay in your trailer today. Thank you, good luck today everyone! May the force be with you."  George said.

Carrie and Harrison went back to the trailer and smiled. "What should we do all day?" Harrison asked.

"We could go explore London today?" Carrie suggested. Harrison smiled and they headed out the door.

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