"If you say so," he complied, holding his hands up. I wrapped my arms around the edges of the box, gazing at Michael dreamily. He glanced down at his phone for a moment, leaving me plenty of time to gawk. His mesmerizing stare flicked across the screen of the phone, the light from the sun reflecting off of the surface of his glasses. I watched as his flawless eyebrows knit while he read whatever text he'd received, curving together in perfect sync. I sighed and admired his lips as they turned upward into a smile, letting a small chuckle escape and fly away into the air. I closed my eyes briefly so I might be able to savor the rich and deep sound of his smooth voice in my head. However, I reopened them quickly, desperate for another glance at his dashing, impressive features. He remained fixated on his phone, allowing me to stare all I wanted. I noticed a few strands of stray hair dangling on his beautiful forehead, and I resisted the urge to push them back into the silky mess atop his head.

At some point, he turned and faced me. I stared into his bewitching eyes, unable to tear my gaze away. Their enchanting, compassionate aura cast a spell over me, sending chills running down my back. He spoke, his honeyed, casual voice ringing in my ears.


I let out a quiet, breathy sigh as the sound entered my ears, calming and pleasing. He spoke yet again, his eyes glimmering in the daylight.

"Jeremy? You okay?"

I savored the sweet sound of his smooth voice as it swung around once again, listening and almost begging to hear it again.


At this point, Michael waved his hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my trance. I blinked a few times, still caught up in my mind.

"You were staring at me. Everything okay?" He asked, tilting his head to the side ever so slightly. The genuine concern flickering in his eyes made my heart do a little dance.

Why do you do this to me? I thought miserably, shaking my head a little bit so that I wouldn't get caught up in the unavoidable bliss again.

"Everything's fine. Everything's cool. I just zoned out a little," I fibbed, playing it off casually. Michael chuckled a little, running a hand through his hair.

"Alrighty then. Hey, do you wanna head over and meet up with Rich and Jake? They said they found this cool shop that sells a bunch of-- well, they didn't actually say, but I'm sure it's awesome," he added, tucking his phone back into his pocket. I nodded, hefting the box I still held up into a better grip. From standing around so much, my arms were getting tired.

       We set off at a slow pace, mostly from the single speed I could travel at while carrying the box. A few times, Michael offered to carry it for me, but I refused in fear that he would see what was inside.

       A little ways into our walk, a rogue tuft of hair decided to hang in front of my eyes, obscuring my view. I desperately tried to blow it back up into my head, but my attempts were futile. The many strands danced in front of my eyes, taunting me with slivers of vision. I grunted in frustration as I tried for the ninth time to push it back up, catching Michael's attention. He laughed for a minute at my struggles, amused as I furiously attempted to push the hair back with the box, only to bonk myself in the nose with the lid. Eventually, he reached over and ran his hand gently along my hairline, causing the rogue tuft to flip back up onto my head. I sighed in relief, earning a few more sniggers from Michael.

       When we finally arrived at the store, I was extremely confused. It was primarily a candy store, but it was utterly and ridiculously old. The wood on the outside was creaking and broken, and there were multiple areas of cobwebs and moss growing frequently.

Bonding: A Boyf Riends Fanfiction [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now