Day 1

263 10 16

Gotham City

August 25th, 7:30 AM.

"Jackie! It's time to get up; you need to get ready for school," her mother yelled from the kitchen.

The blonde-haired teen groaned as she slowly threw the covers off of her and sat up. Yawning, she stood and stretched her back. She put on her slippers and sulked over to the kitchen where her mother was most likely making breakfast for the two of them.

"Morning, Mom," Jackie greeted as she sat down at the table and rubbed her eyes while yawning again.

"Good morning, sweetie. How did you sleep?" Jennifer asked without turning away from the stove.

"I didn't," she replied as she looked over to her mother to see her flipping pancakes. "Pancakes again?"

"I just wanted to try a new recipe."

The teenager sighed. "What kind of pancakes?"

"I'm making chocolate chip pancakes with whip cream on top; it's Kyle's recipe."

Jackie raised a curious brow as she tried to think of a face to that name. "Kyle?"

"Yes, he's a friend of mine from work."

"Are you two close?" the teen asked.

"I guess," Jennifer replied and shrugged, "we sometimes go out to eat breakfast after work."

Jackie smiled. "Does he pay?"

"Yes, he does."

"For anything you get? Even if it's expensive?"

"I tried to tell him that I don't mind paying for myself, but he insists, so I let him."

"Aw," Jackie teased, "he likes you."

Her mother scoffed and brought a plate of pancakes over to the table. "No, he doesn't, sweetheart."

The teen smirked. "Mom, you just said that he pays for your meals, so he has to like you."

"He's just being a gentleman," Jennifer insisted and sat down, "now eat; you have a big day today."

Jackie gave her a confused expression, causing her mother to chuckle. "Didn't you tell me you have, and I quote, 'A HUGE exam on the 25th?'" Jennifer asked, mocking her daughter's voice.

The seventeen year old groaned as she remembered that test, which she forgot to study for. "I'm totally going to bomb it," she muttered as she cut her pancakes in half with a butter knife.

"Don't think like that," her mother lightly scolded, "you're going to do great; you always do."

Jackie nodded in reply and ate a piece of pancake. Her eyes widened as she looked down at her pancakes and then to her mother. She swallowed and smiled. "These are amazing," she complimented, "instead of Kyle giving you his recipes, you should just ask him to come and cook for us all the time!"

Jennifer chuckled and picked up her fork to start eating. "I'll make sure to tell him you said that," she responded, "so, have you made your decision?"

Jackie sighed and set her fork down. "That's why I couldn't sleep last night; I was up all night trying to make up my mind but couldn't."

Her mother nodded. "Don't worry, honey; I'm sure you have plenty of time to make up your mind," she assured.

"Yeah, I know," Jackie muttered and picked up her fork to continue eating.

After fifteen minutes, Jackie had finished eating and getting ready for school. She slipped on her jean jacket and walked over to the front door. "Mom! I'm leaving!" she yelled to her mother.

"You'll always be my hero, Jackie."Where stories live. Discover now