Chapter one: Let's get ready for the trip!

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Lulu's POV:

I finally got to take a year off from the League and so has everyone else, which is very exciting!
I should go with Veigar to the Glade since last time I went there,
I had so much fun that the time I've spend there had been centuries but I wasn't alone there I had my faerie companion Pix by my side always!
The Glade is where I belong; it's my home. It made me who I am Lulu the fae sorceress!
A champion in the League of Legends. I was assigned to be a mage support.
I'm often summoned in battle to help my allies. I've made many friends like Tristana.
We were both summoned to the bot lane together since we had such great synergy.
But most important of all, it's where I met Veigar! Oh Veigar!
At first he didn't like me but later on he grew to like me so much that we became a couple.
Many people find it hard to believe because he's evil and well I'm not really despite transforming people into animals for fun which is the reason why I can't go to my former home Bandle City like all the other Yordles.
It's not my fault, Yordles don't have a vast imagination like mine.
Even I find it hard to believe me and Veigar are together, but we make each other happy and that's all that counts.
I want to go to the Glade with him so I don't stay there too long plus it'll be very wonderful and fun! So I'm going to try and convince him which will be quite a challenge since he can be a bit stubborn. When I finally got to be alone with him, I went for it!

"Hey Veigar! I have an idea about where we could spend the holidays!"
I told him, with a cheerful tone. 
"What exactly do you have in mind?"
  He said, looking at me with an interested look.
"Well, we should go to the Glade together! It's another dimension where we could play fae games and learn pretty new spells! It'll be fun!"
I said with excitement in my voice as I waved my magic stick to the air and made glitter appear and fall to the ground.

Veigar was silent and thinking of a response until he finally spoke
"If I go with you, will this mean I'll learn new spells and become even more powerful?!"
I nodded my head in response as to say "yes" Veigar's yellow eyes fired up  and glowed brightly as he laughed diabolically as he normally does.
"Sooo, you agree to go with me?! "
I squealed
"Absolutely, my dear sorceress"
He replied in a calming voice unlike me. I was so happy that I hugged Veigar tightly which made me feel little faeries in my stomach, to my surprise Veigar hugged me back which rarely ever happens. I pulled away and looked at him with a smile on my face but it quickly faded away as I remembered I had more to ask of him.
"But, there's one more thing I forgot to mention"
I said looking at the ground in fear of his response. I understood by the way he looked at me that he wanted me to continue to speak.
"I want to take a train to get there.... with my friends!"

I told him being afraid he'll get mad at me.
"There's no way Lulu! I want nothing to do with those pathetic Yordles unless I'm obliterating them into an abyss!"
He replied with anger in his voice looking away from me.
"Please Veigar! It'll be a much shorter way to the Glade if we take the train"
I begged him. He didn't reply so I kept begging him even more
"Please for meeee!" I continued and looked t him with my puppy dog eyes. He let out a groan "Fine! Don't make me regret this!"
He said a bit irritated. I felt bad that I made Veigar angry but it'll be worth it at the end!
"Thank, Thank, Thank youuu!"  Don't worry, you'll love it!"
I reassured him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I hope he didn't mind that.
With that in mind, it seems like we had a train to catch in an hour.
"Oh and Veigar, you have to promise me something." I said
"What is it?"
He said clearly annoyed.
"Well you have to promise me not to hurt anyone on the train, no matter what."
He stared at me for a good second before saying.
"Fine, I promise."
I gave Veigar a gentle warm smile in response to let him know he made me happy, today.

Tristana's POV:

*An hour later*

Finally! A year off! Name's Tristana but most of my friends call me Trist!
I'm a champion, a legend in the institute of war. I was assigned to be a marksman.
I shoot my enemies with my trusty gun Boomer by my side. It's what I do!
I'll be spending my year off in Bandle City which is well deserved if you ask me.
I was dreading for a vacation.
Yeah, shooting is fun but sometimes a Yordle just gotta take a break.
It's been so long that I have been home.
So it's why I'm in the train station with my friends Teemo and Rumble.
We were waiting for the train as we were expecting Lulu to join us along with Veigar.
I still can't believe they are a thing! I wouldn't believe it if Lulu haven't told me herself.
We were waiting around making small talk with one another until I noticed Lulu skipping towards us with a wide smile on her face but I couldn't help but notice a dark figure walking behind her.
She finally approached us giving every single one of us a hug and greeting us as she normally does as if it's the first time we met.
I finally could see the dark figure behind her it was Veigar , I'm quite surprised he was here.
"Tristy, Teemo, Rumble! I'm so glad to see you all!"
She said joyfully.
"We're all glad to see you too!"
I responded with Teemo and Rumble nodding along to my statement.
Veigar looked at all three of us with a threatening look as his eyes fired up. I could tell he didn't like us and that he didn't want to be here.
I lent out my hand to give him a handshake as a polite gesture to greet him.
As I said "Hey, Veigar!" he faced the other direction and pulled his cape with him without saying a word. Before anyone reacted to Veigar's rude response, the train arrived.
"Train's here!"
Rumble announced as he was the conductor or something which made me smile to myself. 
"All aboard! Legends who fought bravely in the institute of war please proceed to the private cart this way!"
The train conductor announced.
"Well, you heard him legends! Let's get going."
Rumble added. We all got in but I struggled to get my luggage into the the train.
"Need some help?"
A familiar yet soft voice said
I responded. Teemo kindly offered to help me
"Thanks, Teemo! You're very kind." I added giving him a gentle smile.
"It's my pleasure, Trist"
He replied with a smile on his face as well. I felt a blush through my cheeks.
I think Teemo is a kind and charming friend but lately I've felt different about him.
I soon realized that I've been having feelings for him and for the first time in my life, I feel scared. I'm scared to tell him my true feelings and that it'll ruin the friendship and bond we already have. Teemo and I go back a few years.

We first met on at the military base soon after I became a member of the Bandle gunners and later a champion in the League but that didn't even strike fear into my heart.
I remember that one night where I felt like giving up. It was a peaceful night and I was out looking at the stars through the beautiful blue night sky.
I felt nervous about the day after which would determine rather or not I'd make it.
I heard a voice coming from behind me I turned around to notice that it was Teemo.
At that point, we've only exchange a few words to each other like saying  hi and good luck
I responded blankly.
"What are you doing out here, alone?"
He asked me as he sit beside me.
"Oh, I'm just here to get my mind off of tomorrow." I responded.
"I see, well you have nothing to worry about Tristana, you're a great soldier in fact I haven't seen anyone as good as you in a long time"
He responded with a cheerful tone which made me smile in response.
"You think so?"
I questioned.
"Absolutely, I believe in you. You've got something special in you."
He replied putting his arm on my shoulder looking into my eyes and it's at that moment I knew that I started to feel something towards him. Something I still don't comprehend to this day.

"Hey Tristana?"
Teemo said bringing me back into reality that I was the only one standing outside of the train.
I quickly got on feeling embarrassed that I let my day dreams interrupt  me.
I got into the train along side Teemo.
The train was nicely decorated felt a bit too fancy if you ask me.
We approached where the others were. Lulu was sitting next to Veigar, near the window and facing them Rumble was sitting near the window as well.

"Hey Rumble, if you don't mind may I have the window seat?"
Teemo spoke up.
"Sure thing"
He responded letting him take his seat. Soon enough, I was sitting between my friends, as the train started moving. It was going to take a few hours to arrive so I decided to engage conversation with Lulu.

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