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*your pov*
Beep beep beep beep beep
I can hear a hear monitor but I cannot see anything. I can't open my eyes or move. I hear someone enter the room and I try to signal to them that I am awake but it's not working.
"We are going to have to turn off her life support soon Mr. Dun, she has been like this for 2 months." I heard someone say, presumably a doctor. "She has one more day left, if she wants to wake up she needs to start fighting now."
I heard Josh start crying as he asked multiple questions. He told me to wake up. I want to wake up.
*Josh's pov*
I sit in a chair in the corner of the room staring at *your name*. I don't want to loose her like this. If we waited inside Taco Bell for our taxi then this would not have happened. I was the one who said we should go outside. This is all my fault.

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