"What is going on?" Ekka asked, scared. "Who is Lwazi?"

"Come on, Miss Ekka," Xavier said, holding a hand out to her, but Ekka didn't take it.

"Who is Lwazi?" She asked again, scared.

"Ekka, we need to go inside, now," Hank said, seriously. He looked scared, and it made her scared.

Brownie moaned, pawing her hip, standing on his hind legs. "No," Ekka said, shaking. She didn't want to go back to her cell. What if Xavier never let her out again? "No, I do not—"

"Miss Ekka—" Ekka didn't listen. She turned and ran.


Ekka got quite far before she stopped and had to breathe. She heard Xavier yelling behind her, but ignored it. Brownie raced beside her, happy to be actually running for once and not just bouncing around.

Ekka had to stop, leaning against a tree to catch her breath. She didn't know how she was going to get out of the school. Did she want to get out of the school? Xavier protected her. He always would protect her. She should just stay here forever. Forever. For

Ekka groaned gripping her skull. That wasn't what she wanted. She never knew what she wanted. She was always being told to do things! She wanted to leave. She needed to leave. She needed to leave and come back because why would she leave? Xavier wouldn't let her leave? He would keep her here. There was no escaping a man who could pick apart your mind. She was safe here. She was wanted here. She was needed here. She—

Ekka screamed. She literally screamed. She was going insane. This wasn't her! She wasn't thinking this! He... Xavier was controlling her. He was doing the same thing Father did. He was just like Father. He was just like Father.

"Ekka!" This voice calling from the dark woods was different. It was taunting, and young. "Ekka~!" She didn't know where it was coming from. She didn't know who it was.

Then, a hand wrapped around her wrist, and turned her around. Ekka nearly fainted by who she was glaring down at her. "Did you really think you'd be able to get far from me?" Father growled.

"No! Please, Father!" Ekka cried out, new tears staining her cheeks, but Father wasn't hearing it.

"You remember the last time you tried to run?" He snatched her other hand with the missing pinky finger and showed her. "Apparently, you just don't learn, do you?" Brownie growled, but was easily silenced when Father kicked him away. Ekka gasped, but Father hit her, directing her attention back to him.

Father dragged her to a nearby tree, then and held her hand down. Then, he put the knife in her other hand. The blade gleamed dangerously in the moonlight and Ekka couldn't help the sobs escaping her throat.

"Please, Father," Ekka begged, trembling. "Please!" Father snaked into her mind and Ekka felt sick immediately. "Please!" She screamed, trying to move her hand as the other raised against it. "Please, Father! Please! Have mercy! Do not—!" It was too late. The knife was so sharp that it cut through her skin easily, it for wedged between the bone, but Father helped for that. He pushed it down and soon, her finger was detached from her hand.

Ekka screamed, her legs turning to jelly as she fell to the ground. She screams were choked with done that racked her entire body, but Father wasn't done.

Fading Echoes . • . X-Men Fanfic . • . BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now