The scene shifted.

I was standing in front of a small school, holding my mom's hand. It was my very first day of school. I see the other kids playing around. I don't think they're very friendly. I looked at the other moms. They were wearing normal-day-ordinary clothes and chit-chatting about random things. But my mom was different. She was wearing something too formal. Something like what I was wearing, but different. Like a uniform. She dropped me off and headed for the car, my grandpa driving. My grandma would stay behind and she would be the one to wait for me until school was done. I wondered why my mom couldn't wait for me like the others. I just shrugged my shoulders while my grandma and I stepped inside the school premises.

It changed again.

"Mommy, can I please borrow Apple for just a sec?" I asked my mom. Our dog was named Apple. And knowing my mom, she wouldn't let me borrow Apple, but I had to try at least once. "No thanks." "Mommy! Please?" It was late at night and tomorrow was Saturday. "Umm, no." I fake pouted. We were already ready for bed. So I decided to sleep instead.

Apple was still in the room.

"Aren't you gonna let Apple sleep?" I asked my mom. "Yeah, she's gonna sleep here." I widened my eyes.

"Are you serious?"


"In this bedroom?"


"With the air-conditioning on?"

"That's right."

I rolled my eyes and laughed at my mom's playfulness. "Night mommy, I love you."

"I love you too, Hazelle."

Our bedroom was replaced by a hallway.

There was Sam. The Sam I know. I've never been so happy before. It was the usual early-morning at school. But alot of people were already here. I was sitting in a circle, all my friends there. I decided to go to the restroom to tie my hair. I found Sam crying. I didn't know what to say. So I hugged her. She was my best friend.

Well, I had another best friend. Her name was-

I was awakened by my own crying.

Tears started to fall under my cheeks, I was over thinking. Oh, how I miss my old house, my old school, old favorite milk tea place, and how I miss those memories. And her.

I'm just tired, that's all.

"I'll miss you..." I heard a familiar voice. But I know it was just from my mind.

I heard my Aunt Joyce crying downstairs, it was 5:00 in the morning. I ran downstairs and immediately approached her.

"Hey, Aunt Joyce. Why are you crying?" I asked. She just smiled at me. "It's nothing." she said in reply.

"I know you're not okay."

"No, I'm fine, really."

I sighed and gave her my 'worry' smile, and she gave me an 'i'm okay' smile.

I went upstairs, took a bath and wore my All Time Low shirt and favorite jeans. I was suppose to put on my bracelets, then I stared at my scars for a while.

"Hazelle, time to go to school!!" Aunt Joyce yelled. "I'm coming!"

I carried my bag, and got my filecase and my "Eleanor and Park" book, and ran downstairs. Then I got in the car.

I made an agreement with myself that I won't bring my problems at home to school. Besides, I got my problems to deal with at school.

I arrived early at school. Wow, it's only 6:30, what to do, what to do. I sat down on the front steps and saw Yelsa.

"Yelsa, yelsa!" I yelled. She ran towards me "Hi! Good morning, Hazelle!" I smiled. "Good morning!"

We talked about food, food, and food. Then we saw Josh arrive and said hello to him. While walking around the hallways, they were acting like weird minkeys, elbowing, joking, and laughing around. They were sorta like-

"Hey, we gotta go to our first class!" they both said. Leaving me, as usual... alone. I passed through the 'Hallways of hell' and saw Sam getting bullied again by Vianna Wilson. Of course.

I ran towards them and told Vianna face to face. "What the fuck, Vianna. Stay away from her, stop hurting her for fun." I said angrily. "Oh, look it's a Samaritan." My hand turned into a fist. And guess what? They left. I saw Sam lying on the floor, her eyes were sore and swollen. I helped her stand up. "You alright?" She was wearing a white shirt, jeans, and a beanie. "Thanks again Hazelle." "Sure." I planned on taking Sam to her first class, in case Vianna the Great tries to bully her again. I bet Mr. Switz wouldn't mind. "So what's your first class?" She checked her schedule. "Algebra."

What a coincidence.

"Wanna go there together?"

"Sure thing. Thanks."

We walked towards Algebra class, ignoring the silent whispers saying, "Look! It' the two losers! And they're actually together? Well you don't see that everyday!"

I got this turning feeling again in my stomach. I mean, I'm actually with Sam. But I'm not sure if its the Sam, my best friend, or Sam the Belieber.


HEY PEOPLE! I uploaded a photo of Hazelle on the Prologue part. This chapter comes with the picture of Hazelle's mom. The photos are not from the internet. Those pictures are originally taken.

'Till next time,
The Author

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