"I would like to speak to Marinette, and you have no business with anything she and I have to do with one another. By the way, you are wearing my shirt," Fabio snorted, rolling his eyes as he placed a finger on a blue roll-up buttoned shirt that belonged to him. He pushed Adrien out of the way and kicked open the door in his familiar fashion, but that didn't last long seeing as Adrien yanked him back outside by the arm, using most of his strength.

"You have no right to enter my lady's property, so get out!" He snarled his lip, pushing the disrespectful man away from her front door.

"Adrien?" Marinette's voice rang from the living room with concern.

"Don't worry, Mari-Pie babe! Fabio is here!" Fabio yelled, pushing Adrien back away from the door before he entered the apartment. Marinette rolled her eyes in disbelief, grinding her teeth in annoyance.

"Fabio?! Don't even think about calling me that again! What are you doing here?!" She asked angrily, standing up to walk to where he stood.

"Leave her property immediately!" Adrien told him, seeing as Marinette was starting to get agitated.

"You can't tell me when to leave, you wimpy model! I live here and I have ownership over half these things!" Fabio argued, raising his temper to drown out Adrien's volume. He continued to walk forward, acting as he belonged there.

"Don't you dare call the Adrien Agreste a wimpy model again!! When I left the wedding, I left you, so you're kicked out! We are no longer together!" Marinette asserted with her newfound authority, taking Fabio by surprise a bit. He hadn't remembered her to be so... assertive. It was probably something Alya taught her, the man assumed. He cringed at the memories of Alya's constant interference with many of his previous plans.

"Babe, don't be irrational here. I know Alya said some crazy things, but I would never do that to you! I love you, Mari-Pie," he brought his hands up to cradle her face in, like he had done previously when they began to date. She shoved his hands back and stood by Adrien, crossing her arms.

"I don't believe you, you lying dingbat!" She furiously stomped her foot on his again, only without the one-inch wedding heel.

Still, the girl happened to stomp hard, and it hurt just as much as it did the first time. True, he was trying to use her for her designs, but he found it was hard not to find himself falling for her.

"I promise you. I'm sorry I was so rude to you before. You never deserved any of that crap I made you put up with. One thing for sure is that I would never do that again, my Mari-Berry," he told her, biting back the pain in his foot.

"I'm not your Mari-Berry! Don't call me any of those dumb nicknames, and you were wrong to treat me like that! I learned what a real gentleman is like, thanks to Adrien. I could love him a thousand times more than I would ever even consider thinking about you!" Marinette told the dimwit with rage steaming from her ears and heating her face with red. She was done with that pinhead and there was no way she would even reconsider marrying him.

"We exchanged our I-do's already, Mari. You already agreed to be with me in life and death," Fabio reminded her, causing Adrien to steam with anger toward the man making her uncomfortable.

"If it weren't for Alya, I would be stuck as your wife! You would always rush me to cook faster! You would never let me stroll around stores when we'd go shopping! Worst of all, you only wanted me for my designs... I'm sorry, but I can't love a person who doesn't care about me as a person, me as your wife!!" Marinette exploded with rage, after her teeth grinding again as she squeezed her hands into fists.

"You did all that to Marinette?! She has been nothing but kind and considerate to everyone, and yet you took advantage of her for being a fashion designer! You have the nerve to show up to her apartment, even after she discovers what you intended to do, and beg her to forgive you?!" Adrien yelled at him, stepping forward in front of Marinette as he raised his fist. Marinette's face softened at Adrien's words.

After sending a disgusted glare to Adrien, Fabio put on the smoulder which caused Marinette to roll her eyes.

"Technically, we're already married, Mari-Pie."

"Yuck! No we're not! I left you before it was official!" Marinette argued, angry tears beginning to brim at her eyes. She looked away, crossing her arms as she was starting to become really frustrated with him.

"Leave her property, now!! I will call the police on you!!" Adrien threatened as he picked up the phone.

"How about you leave? You're cheating with my wife," Fabio growled.

Before he knew it, Marinette karate-kicked Fabio where the sun didn't shine. Adrien's eyes landed on Marinette's suddenly gleeful ones and it was right then that he knew he had never been more proud.

"You're amazing, Marinette," Adrien smiled.

"Thanks, Adrien!"

To say the least, Fabio needed to take a trip to the doctor for a quick checkup.

A/N: Fabio is not nice.

Also self-defense is important! Please don't forget that!

On a quick note, my normal update schedule is Friday through Monday, so that's when I try to get at least one update per book out.

Hope you guys enjoyed! 💖 Thank you guys so much for your supportive comments and votes! They help inspire me to continue writing!

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