Chapter 2: Challenged

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Thanks for sticking with me! Nothing new here. Same ol', same ol'. IDK what to do with the pictures so they're just kinda gonna be of England for the most part. Okay, so without further ado...


(Captain (l/n)

Understandably, the rest of your crew were not as easy to drag away from Willsboro.

"Aw, come on!" Alfred complains all the way back to the ship. "I still have two weeks of leave left! Why are you so desperate to get out after all those ships we sank on our last trip?"

"Hmph. Glad we're getting out of that rotten town," Gilbert grumbles, the bruise over his left eye swelling up so much that his eye was no more than a thin slit. Elizaveta had not been happy to see Gilbert mouthing off to Roderich. Oops.

"You forget," you say without looking behind you, walking briskly. "The sooner we put the strongest pirate on the seas out of commission, the sooner we can retire. Then Alfred can go back to "wooing" the ladies, and Gilbert can go back to being beaten up by Elizaveta."

"Hey!" Alfred and Gilbert say indignantly at the same time. You smirk to yourself.

"I speak the truth, boys," you reply. You reach the ship. "The rest of the crew are already on board. You two were the last."

*Mutter, mutter, mutter*

You hear your two mates grumbling behind you but decide to ignore them. For now. You have more important things to worry about.

For instance, exactly how far was Arthur willing to go to kill you?


(Arthur's POV)

The closer he caused chaos to Willsboro, the quicker The Black Heron would come to face him.

Or so he reasoned.

Arthur needed a way to bait the captain. It was all well and good trying to track down a supposedly untraceable ship by himself, but if the captain was also after Arthur's blood, they would meet a lot sooner.

"Amberville straight ahead!" he heard. Perfect. 

"Amberville, sir?" his first mate asked. A quiet Asian, Kiku rarely spoke. However, Arthur had seen him fight. It certainly made up for the fact that he never said a word.

"Yes, Amberville."

Seeing Kiku's confused expression, Arthur explained himself.

"I know I said we would be sailing for quite a while still, but I believe this is our best chance to drive Captain (l/n) into the open. Amberville is the sister city to his hometown." Arthur smirked. "He won't be able to resist coming to help. Soon as he shows up, we spring our trap."

Kiku's confused expression did not leave. However, he knew that Arthur was the only one who really needed to understand what was happening. He shook his head and walked away. Arthur turned his gaze back to the horizon thoughtfully. His plan was certainly complicated. So much could go wrong...

Then again, it was only complicated if he played fair. Arthur chuckled quietly to himself. No. He was a pirate.

He never played fair.



You turn to see Alfred running towards you frantically.

The Hunter and the Pirate (Pirate!England x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon