Chapter Thirty-Four

Start from the beginning

Cavanaugh smiled as he kissed her hair, "I'll clean the barn while you're gone."

"I have classes all day," Bethany added with irritation.

Andrew smiled, "I have a job."

"A job?!" Ian demanded as he came in from the back porch where he had apparently fallen asleep the night before.

Leslie sent him a sharp look, "Madeline's asleep." she scolded.

He grinned sheepishly, ran his hand through his messy hair and began to tuck in his wrinkled shirt as he looked back at his younger brother, "I thought I taught you better than that! No self-respecting McEllis brother would lower himself to getting a job."

"Jamison and I have both always worked," Cavanaugh reminded him.

Ian snorted, "That's why I said no self-respecting McEllis brother," he clarified and Cavanaugh nodded as he stood up, keeping his arms tight around Nicole as if he was loathing the moment when he knew he'd have to let go.

"You have a job too," Leslie informed Ian.

Ian frowned, "And what's that exactly?"

"Watching Madeline," 'Keeping her safe' Leslie added silently in her mind.

Ian grinned as he flopped down on the couch that Cavanaugh and Nicole had just risen from and stretched out his legs. He laid his head on his hands and closed his eyes, "That ain't work," he countered. "That's living." Cavanaugh and Andrew both stared at their brother with wide eyes. Since when did Ian say things like that?

"So, Andrew, where did you get a job?" Nicole asked.

Andrew grinned, "Silas's ranch," he replied. "I'm gonna follow in my big brother's boot prints." he added as he put his arm around Cavanaugh's shoulders.

Cavanaugh couldn't help but smile, "Good. Hard work might just settle you down a bit."

"No, Bethany did that. But hard work will earn me my first bit of honest money."

A gag could be heard from the couch and everyone glared at Ian who was still lying there with his eyes closed a broad grin on his face.

"Is something wrong?" Nicole asked dryly.

Ian shook his head, "Just threw up a little in my mouth is all," he replied. "The words 'hard work' and 'honest money' tend to do that to me."


"Ian, look!" Madeline said as she pointed to a small brown paper sack on the kitchen counter. "Mommy forgot her lunch."

Ian looked away from the picture of a flying pony he'd been coloring and nodded, "Yep she did. I'm sure she'll just buy something at the hospital or in town to eat," he replied. "What color are we making her mane?"

"Purple," Madeline replied after several moments of careful consideration. Ian found a purple crayon and began to fill in the white paper. "And mommy won't buy anything to eat. She says we don't have any money for things like that. That's why she's been taking her lunch."

Ian frowned. He didn't like the thought of Leslie missing a meal. She was actually beginning to look less like a starved, scared runaway and more like a pretty woman and he wanted to keep it that way. He didn't take the time to question the care giving instinct suddenly forming inside of him. He didn't think he'd like the answers and truths that he'd find if he dug too deep.

"Well then I guess we better take her lunch to her," he stated.

Madeline frowned, "You can't drive."

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