Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

"Mary?" Evelyn called as she found herself once again walking through the clouds.

"Are you here to question me again?" Mary asked with a smile as she stepped out of the clouds, her dirty clothes and matted hair contrasting with the snow white beauty surrounding her.

"I don't mean to question you," Mary replied as she wrung her hands. "I know that you said to trust that you know what you are doing but these are my sons are talking about! I cannot just sit back idly and watch what happens."

"You have no choice," Mary replied gruffly. She pointed toward a bench and Evelyn sat down, "What is on your mind?"

"I am happy that Jamison is finally with his love," Evelyn admitted with a half smile. "But he's still in danger as he chases those bad men. I'm happy with what I've seen of Andrew and this Bethany girl. Hopefully she can keep him on the straight and narrow and away from the whiskey and bad influences. I hold little hope that Ian will truly change though I am happy that he has not robbed anyone in the last week. That must be a good record for him," Evelyn smiled in the way of an understanding mother and then she looked sadly down at her hands folded in her lap.

"And Cavanaugh?" Mary urged.

Evelyn sighed, "I'm most worried about him." she stated, her eyes filling with sadness.

"Has he not come far?" Mary asked.

Evelyn shook her head, "He believes his heart is dead! He actually believes he cannot love."

"It just takes time, Evelyn. If you would rather I did not help I will undo all I've done and send them all back to living the way they were." Evelyn shook her head quickly, "No, please don't do that!"

"Then you agree with me that they have come far and you need to have a little more faith?" Mary asked with a raise of her bushy brow.

Evelyn sighed with defeat, "Yes. But I do have one request?"

"You are a controlling one, aren't you?" Mary asked with a mixture of irritation and amusement.

Evelyn tipped her head in acknowledgement because she knew it was the truth, "I want the rest of my sons to remain together until they are all ready to go back. I understand that you had to send Jamison back sooner for him to follow his path but my other boys need each other."

"As you wish," Mary relented. "Though all three of your sons left in the future and the women they need have lessons to learn and paths to travel before any of them will be ready."

"But what if the women don't want to go back?" Evelyn asked skeptically.

Mary glared at her, "I've had enough doubts and questions for one day," she snapped. "Trust in me, Evelyn, old friend. I will take care of your sons."


Cavanaugh stretched his arms out, reaching for the warm body he'd kept pressed to his all night, only to find that there was nothing but hay beside him. He quickly opened his eyes and listened hard for signs of her but he didn't hear her anywhere. He felt panic well up inside of him as he realized that she and her clothes were both gone.

Where was she? Had she been upset at his inability to repeat the words she'd said last night and that's why she was gone? He had to find her. He had to make sure she understood what last night had meant to him. He had to make sure she knew it had been more than just sex. He jumped to his feet much too quickly, became tangled up in the blanket and his leg tightened up, sending him crashing back down into the hay.

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