Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

"It's been a while since I went for a ride just to be riding," Cavanaugh admitted as he and Nicole followed the winding mountain path. The warm breeze was blowing against their skin and the sun was bringing out all the golden and red highlights in Nicole's long hair.

Cavanaugh felt the stirrings of guilt in his stomach as his eyes roamed over her soft body swaying temptingly back and forth with the motion of the horse. He quickly fought to push those feelings back down. Leah was gone and there wasn't a thing wrong with thinking another woman was attractive.

He was impressed by how well Nicole handled the large buckskin. It was clear that the horse loved and respected her and that told Cavanaugh a lot about the person she was. Horses, especially ones who had been abused, were perfect judges of character. He was sure that Gemini had been abused. Not only was he covered in scars but he didn't trust newcomers. The fact that Nicole had taken a chance on such a horse made his respect for her grow.

Cavanaugh had always loved horses. He knew that's why, when his family had been taken from him, he had sought refuge at a ranch. Being with the animals; feeling the air on his face and the freedom it provided, was the only thing he'd found that had given him peace.

"It's been a good couple of weeks since I've been out here and ridden. I normally try to come a couple nights a week but I guess I just got busy and caught up with other things," Nicole replied as she patted Gemini's neck.

"You look like a natural. I didn't think that people would still know how to ride horses since they all ride around in those gasoline machines now."

Nicole laughed lightly, "I've never heard them called gasoline machines before," she admitted.

Cavanaugh just shrugged as he pulled a cigarette and matches from his pocket.

"I bought you that lighter for a reason," Nicole told him, "It's easier."

"Easier isn't always better," Cavanaugh countered.

Nicole just shook her head. Moody and stubborn. Looked like she had her work cut out for her. She sighed and decided to return to his comment about people riding horses, "Most people don't know how to ride horses anymore. It's a dying way of life I guess. My dad always liked them and I guess it rubbed off on me."

"So you shoot guns and ride horses, are you sure you aren't an outlaw form 1875 yourself?"

"Pretty sure." she replied, flashing Cavanaugh a smile that had him looking away quickly. Nicole in the sunshine, on a horse, with a smile on her face, was one of the most beautiful sights he had ever seen in his entire life.

They were getting high in the mountains by now and the view was breathtaking over the cliff line to his right. He had missed the scenery of these mountains while he'd been working on that ranch in Wyoming, though a big part of him was already missing the plains and sunsets that that land offered.

He absentmindedly rubbed at his constantly aching left thigh as he thought about what he would be doing if he was still back in his time. He would be on his long journey by horseback to Wyoming more than likely. Away from his brothers and never having met Nicole. He wondered why both of those thoughts made him sad. He hadn't been with all his brothers at once in eleven long years and now after the last week or so with all of them he couldn't imagine going another eleven years away from them. Except perhaps for Jamison. He could go a long time without seeing that self righteous bastard and be just fine.

And then there was Nicole..... He shook his head. He still wasn't ready to explore that thought any further.

"Are you okay?" Nicole's voice broke through his thoughts. He looked over at her and frowned questioningly. She pointed at his hand that was still rubbing his thigh. "Is your leg hurting?"

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