Chapter Twenty-Nine

Start from the beginning

She shrugged and offered him a bright smile, "It has worked for me so far."

"Are you gonna do as I say in there?" he demanded as he saw the man from the barn watching them.

Hallie nodded and kissed his jaw, knowing he would be uncomfortable with the public display, "Yessir. I'll behave," she promised. Jamison grumbled under his breath and then looped his arm around hers and led her to the door. He knocked and they waited several long moments until the door was opened by an older woman, with a plump waist and thin gray hair pulled back in a tight bun.

"Can I help you?" she asked as she wiped her hands on the white apron she was wearing over her black dress.

"Yes, ma'am," Jamison replied with a tilt of his head as he removed his hat. "My name is U.S. Marshall Jamison McEllis and I was needing to speak with your employer, Mister Crenshaw."

"Of course." she said with a nod. "Come on in, both of you, and have a seat in the sitting room. I'll go get mister Crenshaw."

"My name is Hallie by the way," Hallie informed the woman as she led them into a room with heavy old English furniture and floral sofas and armchairs. Jamison threw Hallie a look as Mavis walked out of the room. Hallie simply shrugged as her lips twitched.

"What happened to don't speak?" Jamison demanded. "I would have rather got out of here without anyone knowing your name."

Hallie rolled her eyes, "Quit being paranoid, Mister McEllis."

"No, Mrs. McEllis. Being paranoid has kept me alive this long and I won't stop now just cuz some fool headed woman tries to offer me her two cents about the situation."

"You're testy today," Hallie accused. Though she knew the reason. Jamison's guilt was eating him alive. It had been since he'd returned from his trip to the future. Now that he was on the prowl for the men who had taken away Cav's family he was uptight, nervous and grouchy with anyone close enough to hear him. Unfortunately for Hallie that person seemed to always be her.

She sighed and laid a comforting hand on his cheek as they stood behind the sofa, "I love you, Jamison. You are a good man and you'll figure all this out." she assured him.

Jamison leaned into her touch and then cleared his throat and pulled away when they heard footsteps approaching. "Marshall! Ma'am! Please be seated." A rather jovial sounding man with a large stomach, thinning gray hair and heavy jowls exclaimed as he walked into the sitting room. He was wearing a tailed black suit over a white dress shirt. The buttons were ready to burst on his jacket and a golden pocket watch chain draped over his impressive gut.

Hallie couldn't stop herself from looking down at his feet and sure enough... Shiny black loafers. Hallie took the mans invitation and sat down on the couch while Jamison remained standing behind her.

"If you don't mind, Mr. Crenshaw, I've been sitting on a train and a horses back for the better part of a week and I'd just as soon stand." Maxwell Crenshaw nodded and then went to a decanter of whiskey on a small table. He filled a crystal glass and then looked questioningly at both Jamison and Hallie, who both shook their heads. He smiled, clutched his glass in his meaty left hand and then made his way to the armchair beside the empty fireplace and sat down.

"So, Marshall, I am assuming this is not a social call," he stated. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"

"Do you remember a Cavanaugh McEllis that owns the property that borders yours to the east?" Jamison questioned.

Crenshaw looked quite relaxed as he nodded and took a sip of his whiskey, "Yes, I do." Then his eyes turned sad. "Terrible thing that happened to that poor man and his family. Just terrible."

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