Chapter Fifteen

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Bethany said nothing but felt a sting of jealousy and just a bit of sadness. Bethany was tall and lanky. She had more arms and legs than she knew what to do with and her chest? Well let's just say it would not have that nice to and fro motion that the blonde's had.

"I'll be dipped in tar and rolled in feathers! Did you see that?" Andrew exclaimed as he turned back to look at her. "Why I've heard of advertisement but there ain't nothing like just putting all the wares on display is there?"

"If you've got it flaunt it," Bethany said dryly as she pulled the car into the parking lot of the tiny dressmakers shop.

"If you flaunt it can I watch?" Andrew asked with a grin and a furious blush covered Bethany's cheeks as she quickly put the car in park, took the keys from the ignition and jumped out.

Andrew frowned as he watched her. Why did she either laugh or blush every time he tried to compliment her? He tapped on his hat in his lap and then scratched at his hair. She was a mystery. He was used to women who laughed huskily and touched and teased when you said things to stroke their egos.

He climbed out of the car and went to her side, "So I'm from Kansas, huh? I've spent some time in Kansas before. Won quite a bit of money there and got to know quite a few wh....." Andrew stopped talking quickly and flashed a smile, "Kansas is nice."

"Are you ever serious?" Bethany asked incredulously as she shook her head.

Andrew pretended to think real hard for a moment, squinting in the bright afternoon sun, and then his smile broadened, revealing those deep dimples in his cheeks, "Nope," he replied. "I've learned that the minute you get serious is the minute you get old. Just ask Cav and Jamison."

Bethany cursed the way her eyes followed the movements of his lips. They were fuller than most men's but the sharpness of his cheekbones and the stubble he was sporting kept him looking masculine and rugged.

"Bethany, there you are!" Andrew saw a woman with pale skin and nearly black hair rush from the dressmakers shop and toward them. She was short, barely more than five feet and while her figure was womanly and curved in all the right places, her features were tiny and childlike.

"Hi, Lisa. Sorry I was a little late," Bethany replied. "Nicole came by papaws house and the appointment slipped my mind until the last minute." Bethany replied as she crossed her arms over her chest and slid her hair behind her ear.

Lisa gave Andrew an odd look, her eyes widening when she saw the gun on his hip but then she looked back at Bethany, "How is Nicole?" she asked.

Bethany suddenly looked uncomfortable and Andrew wondered why, "She's doing great." Bethany replied.

Lisa didn't look convinced but she nodded and then looked at Andrew again, "Who is this?"

"Name's Andrew, ma'am," Andrew replied holding out his hand. Lisa shook it though she tried to hold it longer than Andrew thought she should and he was quick to pull his hand away.

Something wasn't right about all of this. Bethany kept staring at her feet and lacked any sort of confidence. This Lisa woman seemed nice enough but there had been something in her eyes when she had mentioned Nicole that he didn't like. As far as Andrew was concerned Nicole was family and if Lisa didn't like her then Andrew didn't like Lisa.

"He's a family friend from out in Kansas," Bethany added quickly. "He wanted to come out this way for a change of scenery and happened to be at papaws. He needed a ride into town so...."

"Don't lie to the woman," Andrew countered with a grin and a wink. Bethany's eyes flashed warningly at him and he slid his arm around her shoulders and then looked at Lisa, "I came this way 'cause I missed her something awful," he finished with a smile.

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