Chapter 1

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Let me get this straight for you. I’m not a spy. I don’t have fancy gadgets, or tight black suits, or some cool theme song. I’m a secret agent. My job is to protect people from anyone who is plotting to hurt them. I’m not some special person with super human abilities, I’m just a normal girl named Molly Green. Well, as normal as a secret agent can be.

I have been working with the EPPA, Endangered Persons Protection Association, for almost three years now. I started when I was 13, after my parents were both killed in a “car accident”. They had worked for the EPPA for ten years, before they took a break and got married.  They had me soon after. They were driving home from a date when a bomb went off from under the car. I immediately went to the EPPA and begun training to become an agent like my parents. They were reluctant to have me go out on any missions, because I would have serious anxiety attacks. I eventually got to the point where I could control it, and I convinced them to let me go on a real mission with my mentor, Anna Barnes. I helped her to protect a congressman from being killed by an opposing member. I was 14, and ever since then I have been training like crazy to go out on my own.

That day finally came today.


“Mo, there you are. David wants you in his office,” Anna said to me as I was making my way back to my dormitory. I hated the name Molly, so she gave me the nickname Mo.

“Crap, am I in trouble again? This time it really was Mark I swear-”

“No, you're not, and what are you talking about?” she asked, giving me a confused yet suspicious look.

“Um, nothing, let's go,” I said quickly, before walking ahead of her. Let's just say that I wasn’t the most well behaved out of the group of new agents, and going to David's office was a regular thing for me. I’m surprised he still keeps me around to be honest. Maybe it's because he thinks that I have good potential and good spirit, despite the numerous times I broke training equipment or drew faces on the shooting dummies.

David Manson is the head of the corporation. He is the one who seeks out new agents, handles the training, and distributes the missions. He also handles the trouble makers like me. I can't imagine being in his shoes, it's such a high stress job that I don’t think I could last a day without having an anxiety attack.

When I entered his big office, I immediately noticed the red folder in his hands. That meant only one thing. A new mission.

I tried to hide the excitement on my face as I walked over and sat in one of the chairs in front of him. Anna sat in the one next to me. I looked expectantly at David while he put the last of the papers in order.

“Hello Agent Barnes, Agent Green, good to see you in here for something other than the usual lectures,” he says, giving me an evil eye, “We have just received news that a 16 year old boy is in danger against plotters hoping to terminate him. We don’t yet know why, but we do know that this is a real threat, not a fake one. I will allow you to look over the file more in depth on the plane ride there, but for now I will give you the short story.”

“So when do we leave?” I interrupted him, and he smiled.

“Agent Barnes will not be joining you this time, I have decided that this time you will go unaccompanied. I feel that you have done well in your training-”

“REALLY! THANK YOU SO MUCH DAV- I mean, thank you Agent Manson, I won't let you down sir.” I could barely contain myself. I was finally going out on my own! I couldn’t wait to save this kid and prove myself.

“As I was saying, you have done well in your training, and I think you're ready to take on this mission alone. Long story short, you will be flying down to North Carolina tomorrow, and you will be protecting a boy named Nash Grier. You will be placed in his school, and will remain undercover as his protector. I want you to report in daily, and keep us updated on anything suspicious or if anything happens. I need you to befriend this boy, and be with him whenever possible. It is now your job to keep him safe.”

“I understand completely sir.  Just out of curiosity, why do I feel like I have heard that name before?” I asked him.

“He is famous on an app called vine. He makes short videos and posts them on the internet. We think that this may be a part of why he is in danger. I suggest you watch them and see if you can figure anything out.”

“Of course.” I answered, excitedly. I didn’t know I would be protecting someone famous! I practically skipped out of the room, and did a massive fist pump in the air once I exited his office.

“Agent Green, one last thing.” David called out to me.

“Yes?” I answered peeking my head through the door.

“It is essential that you do not let him know that he is in any kind of danger, and under no circumstance may he know that you are a secret agent. If he does, I will remove you from your mission, and send in a new agent, understand?"

“Yes sir. You can count on me.”


Hey guys! This is my first story, so I hope you like it.  I want to start off by saying that I have no idea how secret agent life really is, and so I'm just doing what I think it is like.  Also, parts of the story wont be exactly as they are in real life, but I am putting parts of the story to make it better.  Hope you guys like my story:) be sure to leave a like and a comment!

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