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"Amelia, we didn't do anything" I said

"I TRUSTED YOU , YOU BROKE MY HEART MORE THAN ONCE I STILL WENT BACK WITH YOU!!" I yelled throwing my stuff in the living room.

"You know what I'm done, get out." She said

I sighed

2 weeks later .

"Mommy where's daddy?" Bryden asked

He's been asking that all day since I kicked Lucas out for cheating. I've seen him on interviews with people on radio stations and tv . I just switch the channel or station. Bryden misses Lucas so much but I can't bare to see his face again.

I've been really sick lately. I've been eating more and throwing up it's been ruining my modeling life.

Malaya has been coming over more and Paris and Melissa. But all of a sudden Paris changed completely . She's broke up with her boyfriend and pregnant with 6.

"Aye. Amelia stop zoning out" Melissa rushed me out my thoughts

"Oh nothing" I mumbled

"You miss him don't you."

"Can't miss a cheater" I said beginning to be angry inside

"You have Mood swings a lot nowadays. Don't you think your pregnant?"

That really shocked me "nah," I said having feeling to throw up

I ran to the bathroom , Melissa held my hair back "it's number 2" she smiled

"I'm going to take a run to the store , I need eggs"


"Malaya should be here soon any who" she walked out

I laid on the couch, am I pregnant? Last time me and Lucas had sex he used a condom.

20 Minutes Later

"Laya, Lisa says I'm pregnant but I don't believe so?" I said

"Your gaining weight"

"So I can't gain a little fat!" I said sad

Melissa came throw the door "look I bought 3 packs of test. All of us are going to take a pack" Melissa said putting eggs in the fridge .

"Okay but I can tell you from now , I'm not pregnant" Me and Malaya said at the same time.


Omg I am pregnant! Holy fug! I started to cry.

"What's wrong?" Malaya said then looked at the results

"Hey, look at the bright side? Your bringing in a next beloved human being in the world" she smiled at me.

"How am I suppose to tell Lucas?! We aren't together!"

Lucas Coly

(Is it Co-Ly or Co-li? Because TyroceTv on YouTube calls him Co-li. I call him Co-Ly)

I've been missing Amelia for days, she just doesn't understand I didn't cheat. I don't think she trust me anymore .

My phone started ringing and playing a song that's only designated for Amelia.

Bodak Yellow - Cardi B

"Hello?" I answered

"Hey........ um? Could we ..MeetUpIGotSomethimhToTellYou" she said really fast

"Okay. I'll be over soon" I said

What she want now?

My TrapSoul  (Lucas Coly Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now