Guilty until proven Innocent

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Chapter 28

                  My breath hitched the instant he looked our way. I felt paralyzed more and more the closer he got to our location.

I don't know if I should put my hood up and just walk away, trying to be as innocent and no suspicious as I can possibly be. But it would look weird if I just appeared from behind a plant, but he wouldn't think too much about it if he didn't know who it was.

Time already had made up my decision. He was a few steps away and the air was sucked out of my lungs, I just know I'm not going to deal well with this afterwards.

Linda moved beside me and I instantly quieted her. I didn't want even more of a chance of him recognizing us. I pull up my hood, in case he does find us.

I freeze as he walks past us. He stands beside the plant, looking around for a couple seconds and then stalks off.

I let out my breath and allow myself to fall to the floor, it wasn't a large drop since I was already crouched.

"Ivory, we need to get out of here." Linda says panicky.

"Why?" I ask getting up from my position.

"He's coming back." She exclaims pointing in the direction he left and sure enough he was walking towards out direction.

"Pull up your hood and walk casually." I order her.

She obliges and we walk normally, hoping to not catch anyone's attention, I simply want to be invisible, like I was through high-school.

"Hey stop." I heard shouts behind us and it was definitely my father.

I couldn't turn back to see who he was yelling at or it would reveal my face and that's the last thing on my agenda.

I kept hearing shouts and footsteps behind us, no one was passing us. I decided to walk a little faster.

The shouts had stopped and I instantly felt a hand touch my shoulder. I jumped in fright. Linda and I exchanged panic glances.

"Stop now." He ordered.

I stopped dead in my tracks, not daring to turn around to face him. He circled around us and I looked at the ground.

"Look at me." He instructed. I don't know why he thinks he has the authority to tell me what to do, but it's not going to slide with me; I can guarantee that. I mean at every second except this one of course, I'm not wanting to get caught.

I just shook my head. I know I'm going to have to talk, but I'll need to change it a little bit, in order for him to not know.

"Alright." He said cautiously. "What's your names?"

"Jessica Prune." I reply blankly. Hoping it doesn't sound like me.

"Okay and you?" He asks referring to Linda.

She took a few seconds and started hesitating. I decided to speak up for her. "And who are you?" I ask more aggressively.

"I'm Richard Carder, you probably know me.. oh who am I kidding? Of course you know me."

I scoffed in reply. "And why are you talking to us?"

"Because the security are looking for you." He states simply.

Why would the security be looking for us? I haven't done anything wrong recently, or in this more for specifically.

"And why can't you show your face?" He sure is nosy.

"Does that matter to you? No. Why are they looking for us?"

"Never mind." He huffed giving up. "And you guys vandalized a store upstairs."

(COMPLETED) The Twist on Evil (Sister location Fnaf Fiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt