They're everywhere I turn

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Chapter 27

                  I was honestly speechless and Ivan clearly was too. I mean, what can you say really? I can imagine how Ivan feels right now. Not only are we both getting the same step sister, but Ivan's mom can't leave, she's not willing too.

Don't get me wrong, I completely understand why she wouldn't want too, you don't want to break a home up; the kid would suffer, I've been through it and hundreds of others have and it completely sucks, but if it's really bad, then you know what's best for you and it's getting away in this case, but wouldn't you think it would be better to get away from what's hurting you?

Linda is so determined to have the baby raised with my father, it would be nice I suppose; if he was a good person, but I know this child will appreciate what we have done if we get Linda away from him. We are here for her, she doesn't need him whatsoever.

"Uh." Ivan scratches the back of his neck. "I don't know what to say mother." He confesses.

We're still currently sitting at the table, it's been about an hour or so, the food is definitely cold and no one hasn't bothered eating any. So I pick up a pancake and start nibbling on it, still focusing on the two bickering.

"Don't say anything, just understand why I need to do this."

Ivan shook his head. "I get it mother, but you need to think about it. Not everything that seems right, is the better choice." He reasoned.

She nodded her head slowly. "I just don't want to break up a family. Your father and I have already split, I don't want this baby to experience it."

"But Linda, this situation is not okay. He has been abusing you, what if he had hurt the baby in the process?" I declared.

"No. he's never harmed the baby, he'd never do that." She protested.

"Linda, he's not a good father, look at what he did to me? And the fact that I'm trying to get away from him? You should take that into consideration."

She sighed and rested her head on the table. She looked up at me with sad eyes. "I just don't know what to do." Her voice quivered.

I rubbed her shoulder. "We're here for you. We will help you, you don't have to worry Linda." I smiled at her.

She nodded her head. "Okay. I guess we're leaving."

I nearly celebrated the victory, but it's not the time. I thought it would have been a lot easier to persuade her, but I guess she had her mind set on raising the baby with my terrible excuse of a father.

"Great." Ivan smiled between us. "Well just need to pack your stuff and decide on where we're moving too." He announced.

"Can I at least go see him before we move? I need to tell him."

Ivan shook his head. "Absolutely not. We're trying to keep under the radar and that'll blow our cover. We don't need him to know we're moving."

"But my clothes are still at his place." She whined.

"I guess we're going shopping. Ivory care to take my mother on one of your shopping trips?" He asked.

I nodded my head excitedly. "Absolutely."

I love shopping. I just don't do it much, because I don't have the money to willingly spend on things I want and things that happen to be not essential.

"Great. You hit two birds with one stone, we get my mother clothes, without being caught and you two can bond."

"I think we've already bonded enough, we're in the same situation so there's plenty of time." I chuckle.

(COMPLETED) The Twist on Evil (Sister location Fnaf Fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن