Chapter 4

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Hi guys I hope your stil enjoying this story here's capter4 once again please comment/vote I really want to know what you think. Sorry for all the dialogue


Before my cousin could answer me the ship sook again. A loud beep-beep-beep went of somewhere. Then everything went black. I woke up in my room, at home, in the year 2014. The loud beeping was my alarm clock that woke me up. "Urrrrg. Not Monday." I growweld. "Mondays are so boring. Couldn't I work on the enterprise all ready?" I got up and got dressed for school which became really boring sins we have to were school uniforms. A turquoise and wight check school dress with ski-pants underneath, a turquoise pullover, wight socks and black shoes. I brushed my long brown hair and made it into a ponytail. I went to eat breakfast with my family. Breakfast was the usual fruit salad with yogurt and cornflakes. At the table was my mom, my dad, and my brother waiting for me. "What took you so long sleepy head? An other star trek dream? Have you kissed Spock yet?" My brother teased me. He always teased me like that. We all laughed. " Yes a star trek dream and no I haven't kissed spock!" I answered him and we all laughed again. I look up at the clock and saw the time. "Oh no I'm going to be late for school!" I quickly ate my breakfast. Brushed my teeth, grabbed my school bag an i-pod and ran outside saying bye to my mom, dad and brother on the way out. Outside Iq jumped on my bicycle and rode to school listening to One Direction. I was about half way to school when suddenly CRASH!! something landed right in front of me. I climbed of the bike and walked around it, it was a shuttle craft, but from where. NCC-1701. "NCC-1701" I mumbled "I recognise that number. ENTERPRISE!!" I rush to the door not believing what I'm seeing. The door opens and I go inside to chek for survivors. Thank goodness I help the paramedics on weekends. There are six people. Five of them are knocked out the sixth person is checking if everyone is stil alive while swearing beneath his breath "Dammit Jim first you steel the Enterprise. Then you fly us through a black hole and after that jou crash a shuttle.". I laughed "Classic Bones" and....then....he.....looked...up. He saw me. "How do you know who I am?" He asked me and I froze "Dammit man if I ask you a question I expect you to answer it."

"Uuummmmmm Star Trek."


"Star trek. Its a science fiction story where a guy called James Tiberius Kirk is the captain of the Enterprise and with his crew, which includes you, explores space and boldly go where no man has gone before"

"Oh so what we train for at star fleet. Here's a diferent question: where are we?"


"what's the stardate?"

"Well actualy we don't work with stardate yet but I think it should be......... 2014.0623 Now its my turn to ask a question. How old are you guys?"

" 16, eccept for him," bones pointed to chekov "he's 13"

"Good, now one more question.

Do you want to come to school with me?"

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