Chapter 2

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Chapter2 is from Spock's P.O.V. It may not be as logical as Spock, but hey I'm writing it not him. I hope you enjoy it



"What's so fascinating, Spock?"

"Why did you have to ask, captain?"

"You're in love"

"No, I am not. Love is an emotion and emotions are illogical."

"I know, I know. Just stop it al ready. She got lost in your eyes and you got lost in hers."

"Was it that obvious, captain?"

"Yes, Spock it was"

I walked to the elevator and went to my room. I have just begun to read a book when the read alert went of and Kirk wanted me back on the bridge

I arrived at the bridge and saw that Kirk is hailing somebody.

"Hi James I'm Zortox." The man said. He was not a klingon so what did he have against us? Why was he shooting us? I knew he had shot us a few minutes ago because the ship shook a few times. But why?


Hope jou liked it. Please vote or comment ? Sorry that I haven't updated for a while but I was very busy. Thanks for every one who read it.

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