University roommates

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He pulled up Skype and saw his mum was online, making him smile. She was probably waiting for him, she never wanted to miss him. He clicked her name and started a call, adjusting his hair quickly while it connected.

"Hey sweetie," he heard her say as her picture swam into view.

"Hi mum. I am alive and well. Just finished sorting out my half of the room," he said, knowing she would ask how his journey went and what he had been doing.

"Can I see?" She asked him. He picked up his laptop and spun it slowly around the room, commenting at different things there.

"So have you met your new roommate?" She was full of questions, but Dan knew it was because she cared.

"Not yet, he has unpacked but I have no idea who or where he is. But he seems to like Muse so he is probably alright," he shrugged. He really hoped he wouldn't be a maniac who would watch him sleep, he was pretty self conscious really.

"I'm sure he will be. He might even be cute," she said cheerfully and Dan whined, blushing a little. Dan just wanted him to exist at the moment, he didn't want a ghost roommate as he could not handle that.

She asked him question after question, checking every little thing to make sure he would be okay on his own.

"Anyway darling I am glad you have settled in, I have to go and start making dinner now. Remember to eat something and don't get too distracted by your studies! Bye sweetheart." she said, waving, then the call ended. He smiled again and shut his laptop, pushing it off his lap.

He stood up and stretched, really wondering when his roommate would appear. How could someone unpack then disappear? He decided to stand up and go and have a walk around campus, maybe find some people to talk to. A few friends would not be bad for him at all.

He opened the door and started walking through the corridor when his phone buzzed. He pulled it out and grinned. It was a text from his mum already.

I forgot to say I love you! X

Dan texted back saying he loved her too but just as he sent it he bumped into someone, making both of what they were holding fall to the floor other a loud crunch and even a yelp from the other person.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry," the boy said hurriedly, dropping to the floor and picking up some books that had been scattered as well the box he was holding, balancing it precariously.

"No, I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going," Dan said quickly, retrieving his phone from beside the boys shoe.

"I'm Phil," the boy said. Dan looked up properly to see him for the first time. Black straight hair with bright blue eyes, skinny jeans and a checked shirt, a small grin on his face. He stood up and looked at him again. His mum was kind of right- he was cute.

"I'm Dan. What dorm are you in?" Dan asked him, maybe a little hopefully it would be close to his.


"Oh so you're my mystery roommate! Good thing I finally bumped into you, literally!" Dan said, amused they had met this way.

Phil grinned at him and they started walking back towards the room, Phil explaining he had been getting his stuff while Dan got here, struggling under the amount of books he was holding and having to balance the big box as well.

"Want some help?" Dan asked politely.

"Yes please," Phil said, passing some of the heavier books to Dan. "Thanks,"

"It's fine." Dan smiled.

Dan clicked open the door and dropped the books onto the bed, whilst Phil placed the box down beside it.

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