Chapter 12

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# The next day #

I opened my eyes and saw that it was 10 o' clock. I got up and headed to the bathroom to wash my face. Then i went to the kichen and made breakfast. I make a couple of eggs, coffee and one slice of bread with butter. As soon as i finished my breakfast i got dressed as i would spend my day at Katelyn's place. I haven't mentioned before but Katelyn and i became good friends after the party. So i am wearing a pair of skinny white jeans, a soft pink tank top and my jean sleeveless jacket. I straightened my hair and applied only some blush and black mascara. Then, i went to Katelyn's house.

# In the meantime #

#Kendall's P.O.V. #

I went to Clara's house and rung the bell.

"I'm coming" a voice yelled from the inside. A few seconds later the door is finally open. It was Nicole, Clara's step sister.

"Hey you" she saYS in a playfully way.

"Hey" i greeted.

" How are you?" she asks.

"Fine thanks. Emm... Is your sister here?" i asked.

"I don't think so.." she replys.

"Ok then.. I 'm coming later" i say.

"Oh no why don't you come inside and wait for her? i'll keep you company untill she comes" she suggests.

"No it doesn't matter" i answer.

"Oh come Kendall, i don't bite! " she says teasingly.

"Ok fine" i give in. I hope it's not an another plan of hers.

We were sitting at the living room and talking for about random stuff.

"I'm having great time with you. We should hang out more often" she says and starts moving more closer to me. I didn't got a chance to answer because...

# End Kendall's P.O.V #

#Clara's P.O.V #

I was returning fro Katelyn's house, but a sad surpise was waitting for me when i opened my house door that i couldn't believe it. My boyfriend Kendall and my "lovely" sister were kissing.

I didn't know how i should react. I just shut the door behind me and run away the streets while tears were rolling over my face.

# End  Clara's P.O.V #

#Kendall's P.O.V #

Suddenly i heard the door closed. Immediatly i pulled Nicole away from me.

"What did you do?" i asked her with anger. "You know what? forget it" i said and went out of the house shutting the door behind me and run after Clara.

"Clara Clara" i shouted but she didn't turn. I finally reach her.

"Clara wait... i'll explain you everything..."i said.

"Explain what Kendall? I saw you"

"It isn't as it looks like"

"Oh yeah.. of course the classical phrase... I'm not blind you know..."

"Please let me explain you"

"But of course i didn't gave you yesterday what you wanted,so..."

"What are you talking about? of course not. I've told you i'm not that kind of guy"

"You know what?It's not your fault... It's all mine.. and you know why? because  I trusted you Kendall, you were the one that gained my trust almost immediatly... i thought that you were different... but... but you proved my wrong..." she said in tears.

"Please baby don't cry, it hurts me when i see you like that" i said and tried to wipe her tears with my thumb.

"Don't call me baby.. I'm not your "baby" anymore... and you can live your life with my "lovely" sister or whoever you want.. just.. just forget about me..."she said and run away.

"No Clara wait..." i shouted but she was already gone.

I hurt her... and that literally was the last thing i wanted... I love her... For REAL...

# End Kendall's P.O.V #

~ Author's note ~

Heeeey! I'm back! I know it's been a long time ago but here i am! So that was Chapter 12 please read, vote and commend! Please tell me in the comments bellow if their fight is was too drama or not... i really need your opinion!!!

Thanks for reading!

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