Chapter 9

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"Kendall ?" i started to say.

"Yes" he responed and turned back.

"Stay a little longer... Please..?" i said.

"With my pleasure, but what happened?" he asked.

"There is something that i want to tell you" i finally told.

"Sure, you know that you can tell me everything" Kendall said.

I didn't know how i should express my feelings for him. I am just standing there in silence looking his green eyes which were sparkling in the moonlight.

"Take your time" Kendall says to comfort me.

"I 'll give you the chance" I managed to say.

"Thank you. You won't regret it" he said and embraced me tight.

"I hope so' i mumbled with my head on his shoulder.

"I promise" Kendall responed and we pulled away staring at my eyes.

Then Kendall started leaning in and pressed his soft lips on mine. I can admit that i was waitting such a long time for that kiss. I just hope that i made the right decision... I put my hands around his neck and he put his hands around my waist. He licks my bottom lip  and i let him enter his tongue in my mouth exploring every inch. I can feel his smile during the kiss. His kiss was so sweet and passionate at the same time. After a few  seconds we pulled away.

We both smile at each other. His smile is so sweet. With it i can forget all my problems...

"I have to go inside" i said although i wanted to be in his embrace forever.

"ok, Goodnight and i'll think about you" he said and gave me a peck on my lips.

" Goodnight" i said and smiled.

Then i went inside my house. My dad  was in the living room watching some television.

"Hey honey" he greeted me.

"Hey dad" i said and kiss him on his right cheek.

"Where have you been? I thought that you had a day off today"

"At the beach" i replied and sat on the couch.

"Alone?" my dad aked.

"With Kendall" i anwered.

"You two you spend a long time together" my dad exclaimed.

"Yeah he is a nice guy and one of the actuall friends that i have here" i replied.

"And?" my dad asked again with a teasing way.

"And what?" i asked back.

"Only that?" 

"Ok, this conversation is becoming awkward, i'm leaving..." i said and directed upstairs.

"No wait honey..." my dad said but i was already in my room.

I shut the door behind me. I go to my wordrobe and grab a pair of pyjamas. I take off my clothes and wear my pj's. I check my phone and i see that i have a text message from Kendall "Goodnight beautiful xoxo" it says. "Goodnight xoxo" i text back. I put my phone to charge and lay on my bed. I started to think about me...Kendall...our kisses... I have to admit that he kisses really well! I smile to myself about all these thoughts. Before i realized it i was asleep... 

~ Author's Note~

So that was chapter 9!Sorry if it is a little short but i promise more longer chapters are coming up! So be prepared!!! Anyways i hope you liked it and please tell me in the comments below your opinion!!! It is important!!!!!

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