Chapter 11

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Kendall kept kissing me so passionately as he never did before and l am melting into his kiss. He trys lift my shirt but...

"Kendall?" i asked unsure during the kiss.

"What's wrong baby?" he asked confused and he pulled away.

I knew where all this would end up but i wasn't ready for this yet. I mean... Kendall was very kind to me since when we start dating and he didn't push me to do something that didn't want to and this month of our relationship was absolutely perfect... but... i just wasn't ready for this yet. Should i told him? or i should go for it only to pleasure him? Many girls at my age don't really care about this topic so much but i do. I think that this is something that you both want and i want my first time be special...

"I.. I'm sorry... I just can't ..." I said quietly  and stared down at my hands.

"You don't need to apologize" he said and lifted my chin up his his right hand and our eyes locked each other." I don't want to push you on something you don't want to... I' ve already told you that i am not that kind of guy. We will wait until you are ready ok?" he said sweetly.

"Ok.." i answered. "Thank you" i said and half smiled.

" I love you baby girl and I wouldn't do something to hurt you..." he said and stroke my cheek with his hand.

"I l-love you too..." i finally said, actually that  was the first time that i told him that i love him. Then he leaned and placed a sweet kiss on my lips.

"It's late and we have to change those wet clothes." he said when we pulled away.

"Yeah you are right..." i said.

"Take my t-shirt to change yours and i'll switch to the other side so you can change"

"But what will you wear?"

"I 'll wrap a towel around my back. Don't worry, i'll be fine"he said and smiled.

"Thanks baby" i said and kissed his left cheek.

I took off my wet t-shirt and wore Kendall's. It was really funny because it seems as dress on me!

"Ok I'm ready" i said.

"Oh baby you look hot in my clothes" Kendall said with excitment and winked me.

"What do you want Mr Schmidt?" I asked teasingly.

"Absolutely nothing! I'm saying the truth!" he said.

"Ok ok...i give up" i said.

We took our stuff and left the beach. We walked a few miles and were already to our avenue. Kendall brought me outside my house.

" I'll see you tomorrow baby girl, sleep tight" Kendall said.

"I will, sweet dreams" i said and turned to go inside.

"Baby were are you going? i think you forgot something?"

"oh your t-shirt.. can i give it back tomorrow?" i  asked.

" I 'm not talking about the t-shirt you can keep it if you want... You forgot our goodnight kiss" he said.

"Oh right" i winked at him and leaned and gave hima sweet goodnight kiss on his lips.

I entered to my house and went immediately to my room. Fortunately, noone was at home and didn't want to see me in this situation because i would have to answered to all their "parents" questions and i didn't want to...

I grabbed a towel from my wordrobe and headed to the bathroom. I took off all the wet clothes and took a long relaxable shower. As soon as i finished i dried myself with the towel and wore my pyjama's pant and Kendall's t-shirt, which has his scent all over it...

I laid to my bed and my phone buzzed so i picked it up.It was Sabrina my best friend! 

Sabrina: Hey sis!

Clara: Hey Sabrina! It's been a long time..!

Sab: Yeah...

Cla: So  what's up? Tell me your news!

Sab: Nothing much here... you are on vocation so...?

Cla: Well you know i was working at the camp,part time job..

We talked for a while about our news and i also told her about Nicole and some random stuff.

Sab: By the way you sound in a mood!

Cla: Why i wouldn't be?

Sab: I don't know... are you sure you told me everything? or there is something that i should know?

Cla: Sabrina!

Sab: What?! May be the person the person that makes your mood good?

Cla: Ok ok fine i'll tell you!

Sab: Ha i knew it! I want you to tell me everything! Name? Age? When?

Cla: Ok one by one the questions!

I told her everything about Kendall and talked for a long time. Then we hung it up and fall asleep dreaming about Kendall...

~ Author's note ~

Sooo that was chapter 11! So glad that i finished it! I hope you enjoy it! Read,comment,vote, tell me what you think!!! It is important!!!  Sorry for updating a little late ;)

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