Chapter 8

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The next day i had a day off, so I awoke up around ten. I checked my phone and i saw that i had a text message from Kendall which said "Goodmorning :) I'll be at the beach all the afternoon, you can join me if you want! Have a nice day off :) "

I smiled when i read the text. I put my phone back to my nightstand, slipped to my slippers and  headed downstairs. At the kitchen were Asley and Nicole whereas my father was at work.

"Goodmorning"i said as i entered the kitchen. "Goodmorning sweety"Asley said while Nicole gave me a cold look. 

I opened the fridge and grabbed the cartoon of milk and filled a bowl which has already some cereals. After i finished my breakfast i went back to my room. I sat on my bed and started playing guitar. I wanted to finish some lyrics at a song that i had started from when i was at L.A. 

I didn't know how many hours i was in my room but i felt my stomach rumbling, so i deciced to go downstairs and make a sandwich. When i went back to my room i caught Nicole searching my stuff.

"Hey what are you doing here?" i said as calmly as i could.

"Nothing" she said innocently.

"Why are you searching my things?" i said now with  anger.

"I'm not searching you're stuff" she replied coldly.

" I caught you searching my stuff don't lie to me" i responed with more anger.

"I'm not lying to you" Nicole said.

"Yeah...Yeah... Can i ask you something?" i asked with sarcasm.


"Why are you treat me this way? Did i do something to you?"

"I don't understand what you mean... i'm treating the way you deserve"

"You are so mean! This way  you treat the others?"

"I told you i'm treating everyone the way they deserve."

"Fine... Honestly, you have to solve your problems"

"Solve first yours and then come back and talk to me again!" she said sarcastically.

"Give me back my notebook and get out of here" i 'm yelling at her.

"Take it" she said and threw my notebook towards the balcony. "And by the way the songs that you have the impression you write are terrible" she said and left my room.

# Kendall's P.O.V. #

The time was 7:00 pm. She hasn't come yet. I can't believe that i mess it all up and ruined our friendship by kissing her. At least before we were friends... Now what are we? What is she doesn't want to be not even friends? All these thouhgts were on my mind while i was trying to finish a song. I was about to leave when i heard a familiar voice...


All i knew was that i needed some fresh air. I grabbed my jacket and my phone and left the house. I was walking and walking for a couple of minutes till i went to the only  place that i knew i wanted to go...


"Am i late?" the familiar voice said.

I turned my head and smile. She came. "Of course not" i responed. "Come on sit" i said pointing the towel next to me.

"Hey are you ok?" i asked as she sat on the towel next to me.

"yeah..." she reponed but i knew that something happened.

"Did something happened? " i asked again.

"Nothing much just fighting with Nicole again..."

"Ohh ...i'm sorry"

"Don't be. So.. what are you doing here?"

"I'm trying to finish a song"

"Can you play it for me?" she asks gently. 

"If you want to..."

"I would love to..."

"It's called every day girl"

 I grabbed my guitar and started singing the song. Actually this is a song that i wrote for her three days after we met. She inspired me to write  the song. I felt that she was enjoying it and i couldn't stop look at her. She is so beautiful when she smiles...I love when she smiles... Actually i love everything about her...


"I love that song" i said when he finished and smiled. 

"i'm glad you liked it" he said and smiled back.

"Can you play an another one for me?" i asked.

"With my pleasure" he replied and smiled.

I smiled back. We spend many hours at the beach singing and laughing.

"It's late and i suppose that we have to get back" Kendall said realizing the time.

"Oh yeah you are right.. Let's go" i said.

We took our stuff and left the beach. Kendall accompanied my to my house.

"Did you had great time?" he asked.

"Definately" i responed.

"Ehh... Goodnight... I guess i'll see you tomorrow." Kendall said.

"Goodnight" i said.

Kendall was about too leave when...

When the stars come out...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora