"Well maybe...we should call out for him?" I asked and that's when Clyde looked up at me smiling.

"That just gave me an idea, we can call him," Clyde said pulling out his phone and I nodded pulling out my phone also.

We both called Vic and I also looked around a bit. I was hoping we would hear another phone ringing than our own. Sadly there was no luck. But then there was a hello that slightly echoed from my phone and slightly I could hear somewhere in this room.

"Vic?" I said as Clyde hung up and put his phone away.

"Yeah, where are you two?" Vic asked.

"In the Blue Ginger like you," I said looking around and stood on my tippy toes for a while hoping I would see him.

"We're way in the back," Clyde said getting closer to me to be heard on the phone.

"Okay, I'll wave my phone with my flashlight so you two can find me," Vic said before hanging up.

"He didn't answer my call," Clyde grumbled and I frowned.

"Maybe he just clicked answer randomly," I said before looking at the crowd as I heard Clyde laugh.

"No, he just likes you," Clyde said and I frowned more glancing down at him.

"There he is." Clyde snapping my attention away from him and to look at where he was pointing.

Vic was waving his phone fast. Hope he wouldn't drop it. I noticed Clyde had been standing on his toes. Guess I'm not the only one who does that.

"We have to make it over to him now," Clyde said jumping up slightly to wave at him. "Well, unless he comes to us which I doubt it," he grumbled.

"Hey, we came here for Farley but we haven't seen him," I said before my cheeks heated up as Clyde took my arm and pulled me between people to get to Vic.

"Yeah, well there is a lot of people here," Clyde said pushing us past people as I kept my focus on Vic so we wouldn't lose him in the crowd. Eventually, we got to Vic as more strumming invaded my ears.

"I didn't expect there to be lot's of people where Farley would go to," Vic said as the strumming became louder and soon the tune of a familiar song I heard on the radio filled the room before singing joined in.

Vic and Clyde turned towards the sound and their eyes widen. I tilt my head slightly confused then turned to look who was singing and playing the guitar on stage. My eyes soon widen as I saw Farley singing into the microphone and strumming the guitar. Red pinkish colored light shined on him.

"Girl you know I want your love, your love was handmade for somebody like me." Farley sang smiling as people began to hum and dance.

"Woah he's....better than me!" Vic said looking at me and I blinked at him.

"I think what he meant to say is that he's great." Clyde laughed.

"Yeah, he's good," I said smiling and glanced at Farley up on stage.

He seemed so happy and care-free. I wouldn't say this is how he always acted. But I guess when you're passionate about something you look like that. Wish I was passionate about something like that.

I hummed swaying slightly. Vic and Clyde seemed to be arguing. As usually Vic was arguing with someone but I was getting used to it by now. I glanced back at Farley. I wonder why he didn't tell us about this talent of his.

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