Chapter 11: An old song.

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~Emily's POV~
Today's a new day. A new day where literally EVERYONE confessed and is now a couple. It's kinda weird that everyone has only just started confessing not even within a week of me being here... I guess I'm just that kind of person! Heh, I need to stop stroking my ego. Though maybe if I stroke if enough, I'll become more then just a voice in my friends videos (especially their DBD ones, heh). JEEZ I'm getting off track. I can't wait to see how everyone acts around each other! Will they be all lovey dovey in school or just leave that for after school? Eh, I don't care if Tommy wants to leave it for after school or be open with it during school. I'm a very indecisive person myself sooo I don't mind either way.

~Le time skip to school~

"Hey Emily! Over here!" Tommy called from across the class. He and Ashlie were waiting in our usual seats, except they swapped their seats around so that Tommy was sat next to me, not Ashlie.
"I'm sorry Em, Tommy was sat there when I got here and he won't move." Ashlie said, glaring at him. He looked at me and whispered,
"Can I tell her?" I nodded yes and he turned around to Ashlie and said "So now I'm not even allowed to sit next to my girlfriend? Yeesh!" Ashlie hesitated.

"HAHAHA! Wow Tom, that's a good one! You almost got me there!" She sounded convinced it was a joke. "Like you Tommy would have the guts to tell her!"
"You mean the guts to tell her I love? 'Cuz I did. Two days ago. In the group chat. When went into a private call and told each other."
"Tommy... You're serious? Oh my god I am so sorry you two! I didn't know!"
"It's OK," I chipped in before Tommy said something that would get us in trouble. "We haven't told anyone yet, so there was no way of you knowing that Tommy wasn't just joking!"
"But still. I mean I responded by giggling, not asking you or him if it was a joke or not. I'm really sorry guys. But you're both really cute together!" Ashlie sounded really sorry. She didn't say much else for the rest of the lesson, but me and Tommy were talking the whole time, even when we were asked to be quiet we whispered to one another. The pips went and we headed to our usual hang out spot, me and Tommy holding hands. We were inseparable. Nick, Uni and Jon were there waiting and Ashlie ran ahead and jumped into Nicks arms. Guess they won't be keeping their relationship private.
"Where's Cory?" Ashlie asked Nick because Nick was in Cory's class.
"He's gonna spend brakes with his girlfriend and lunches with us. She might join us occasionally if you all don't mind?" Nick replied.
"So he fessed up to Jess?" Jon asked confused, "Because he seemed terrified out of his mind to tell Jess about his crush on her!"
"Yeah actually, that's a good point! How did he tell her? Did he even say how it happened?" Uni asked as soon as Jon was finished speaking.
"Apparently Jess implied that she loved Cory before he told her his feelings!" Nick replied to both their comments. Wow, that means that everyone in the group is a couple. A bit weird how it all happened in one day... Oh well, guess that's just gonna be my luck. Next thing you know I'll get a reality TV show with a crew following me during the school day. Kinda like that show, how to catch a cheater, hosted by yandere chan with no red eye and eye patch. Man Akademi High is weird.

~Le time skip to after school~

"Hay Li- Em!" I heard Tommy shout.
"Yes Tom?" I replied.
"Wanna come round my house for a bit?"
"Sure, why not?"
"I can think of reasons why."
"Oh shut up! You're the one who suggested it, not me."
"Heh. Hey remember the last song I sang to you before I left for Earth? I never even finished it."
"Kinda. Weren't some of the lyrics 'Just she and I together, like it was ment to be.'?
"Yeah! Heck you even remember the lyrics better then me." Yeah I'm remembering it now.

~3rd person POV Flashback (I'll have the video up top but I'll be changing the lyrics below to suit Tommy and the situation on homeworld) ~

"Hay Lily!"
"Yes Lucas?"
"I wrote an awesome song, wanna here it?"
"Yeah, go on then."

When somebody loves me,
Everything will be beautiful.
Every hour we spend together,
Will live within my heart.

And when she's sad,
I'll be there to dry her tears.
And when she is happy,
So will I.

When she loves me.

Through the summer and the fall,
We'll have each other and that's all.
Just she and I together,
As if it were ment to be.

And if she's feeling lonely,
I'll be there to comfort her.
And I'll know that she loves me.

As the years go by I'll stay the same,
even if I drift away.
She'd be left alone.

Still I'll be waiting for the day,
When she'd find me and say,
I WILL ALWAYS love you.

"What did you think?"
"That was amazing Lucas!"
"Thanks, I still need to finish it though."
"That doesn't matter, it's still amazing the way it is!"
"OK, talk to you later Lucas!" She ran off.
"Lily! Wait! There won't be a me here to talk to later... I will always love you." He whispered the last bit.

~End of flashback and 3rd person POV~

"Hay, Tom?"
"Yeah Em?"
"Was that song about me? And was it telling me how you wished that I showed you that I loved you and that you were leaving soon?" Tommy stayed quiet. "I'm sorry I didn't see that at the time. I really do love you though."
"I know."
"Because YOU'RE SO SO DANG AWESOME!" He tickled her as he said awesome. "Want me to try and finish the song?"
"Yeah, go on then."

Lonely and forgotten,
Never fought she'd come find me.
She smiled at me and told,
Those words I'd long craved.

She said I LOVE YOU.
I've loved you.

When somebody loves me,
Everything is beautiful.
Every hour we spend together,
Will live within my heart.

She said I love you.

New School, Old Faces.   A NewScapeGang and Aphmau FanficWhere stories live. Discover now