Lorenzo watches, pity present on his face. He did say he looked up to my father - our father I mean. I will never get used to this...

"Liam help me!!" He yells, and I immediately feel something take me over. I then remember, I'm in his pack now...

My legs are running towards the twins, claws out as Ernest turns first.

"Liam what did you get yourself into!?" He asked as he tried fighting me off." And you're alpha too?!"

My leg does a sweep kick under him, causing him to fall splat on his head.

"Ernest!" Dexter cries, as my Father is still being held back.

I am placing my foot on his head, soon pushing my weight on his skull. A sound of bone being pressured echoes in my ears, and I want to stop, but I can't even control my own body.

The sound of him gurgling on his own blood is so clear and loud, and I look, Dexters eyes a wild red. Black fills in replacement of the white in his sclera. Actual fear fills inside me, but it soon fades when my father starts laughing.

"Just finish him off son!" My leg comes up, and I see that Ernest's eye is looking at me from the side, blood creeping from his lips. Right when my foot was about to stomp his head I feel my body being pushed, falling over the stage as I land on the seats inside.

Dexter is hopping down, and I start standing as he still looks at me with that crazy look in his eyes.

"I'm not controlling my own body!" I am able to somehow say, but it's like he can't even hear me.

He's stomping towards me, and his claws come forward, almost slicing my eyes out. I'm able to duck, but feel his foot come back as it kicks me in the gut.

"You hurt my little brother, I'll never forgive you...!" Instead of me fighting him I am running back on the stage. I see Ernest still crumpled on the ground, Renee by him as she is soothing him slowly.

I have heard if you are able to squeeze the skull of a werewolf it makes them lose some senses and it makes them get disabilities. That's not what I wanted. Why can't I control my own body!

"Liam!!" Gabby screams and my head turns to her, where I see her and my dad. He has a knife to her throat, and his other hand has claws in her shoulder.

"Son...I am so annoyed with people getting in my way... You've become so soft over this woman?" The knife presses into her skin, and I soon see blood coming from her skin.


"No you sit there!" I'm falling to my knees, still unable to control my body.

I'm trying, so hard, to get out of his spell.

But I can't move an inch. And seeing Gabby's blood ooze down her neck is driving me insane. Where is everyone else!? Why am I the only one suffering. Where's the Luperca? Where's Lorenzo and his damn pack!? Where is everyone!?!?

"I'm sorry..." I whisper. My Father stops what he's doing, looking at me, but I'm not apologizing to him." I'm sorry for killing Werewolves... I'm sorry for barging into your life and making a mess of things."

This apology is mainly for Gabby. She's the first person I've ever loved, and I can't even do anything to help... I'm so powerless...all I can do is speak.

The Emergence Of The Alpha Twins  ( UNDER REVISING )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora