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For the next couple of days I make sure to hide and not get near Patrick even when Sammy comes and sees me some days. A lot of the time I have to send him away because I'm scared of Patrick seeing and I'm so awkward when no one else is around.

On Saturday I spend a long time in front of the mirror sending pictures of my outfit to my internet friend until they have to go to school and I have to choose by myself. Finally I decide on a Black Sabbath shirt and grey jeans and I walk to the address that Sammy sent me.

When I get there I'm too scared to walk in there by myself so I hide up the road from Damians house for almost 10 minutes until Sammy finally pulls up in his car. I run over and jump in the passenger seat and smile at him"Quick we can still make a run for it before they see us"

Sammy rolls his eyes and leans over to take my hand "Hey Pete, we're not going to run away from my boyfriends house. It'll be fine, we can hide in Damians parents room if you really get uncomfortable, I've done it before" "What do they do at these party things?" "Hang out and sometimes drink if Damians parents aren't home. I only drink with Damian though so it's not fun for me, I never drink by myself or with anyone except him" "I never drink, I've never had alcohol" "Do you want to? I'll look after you if you wanna do it or we can drink together in Damians parents room" "No I'm straight edge, I don't want any" "Ok but if you ever change your mind we can do it. I only drink with people I trust, I know you wouldn't do anything bad though so I'd do it with you"

Sammy starts climbing out of the car so I sigh and follow. Patrick will be so mad at me and I hate the idea of ever making him mad or upset but i can't say no to Sammy and Damian. Obviously Sammy wants me here because he refused to come without me so I'll just try to enjoy everything and not be upset that Patrick might not want me anymore.

"Sammy do you mind if I stay with you the whole time?" "No its fine, Damian has other friends so he ditches me, it'd be fun to stay with you" "You can drink with me, you can trust me"

He smiles and we walk inside until Sammy finds Damian on his couch and sits in his lap so I have to hover awkwardly. When I see Patrick I run and hide behind some tall people for a while and when he starts to come towards me I run and hide behind other people.

This continues for a while until I can't see him anymore so I presume he's gone upstairs with someone and I can steal a can of coke from the fridge to drink. I sit in a corner drinking until I run out of coke and when I go back to get another I'm grabbed around the waist.

"Hey beautiful, you look so fucking hot, wanna come upstairs with me?" "P-Patrick, I don't think thats a good idea, are you drunk?" "No I just want you, I haven't touched any alcohol, come on beautiful, I haven't seen you in ages" "I-I don't know" "Come on, I'll give you such a good time"

I don't wanna fight him so I let him wrap his arms around my waist and pull me through the room until we get to what looks like Damians room. Patrick closes the door and pushes me back onto Damians clothes covered bed. We haven't done this in so long, so when Patrick pushes his body against mine and works my mouth open to let his tongue slip in, I can't stop myself from moaning.

Quickly he yanks my shirt over my head and works down my pants down my legs. Obviously Patrick isn't in the mood to go slow so I take off his shirt and jeans too while he slips off my boxers.

The way he looks at me is so different to everything he's done in the past week. He was so nice at the river but apart from that he's been so distant or he's been annoyed by my presence but now he just looks so turned on. Its amazing when the guy you love is finally interested in you again and looks at you like he wants to devour you.

I claw at Patricks back as he drops his own boxers and leans over to the floor by Damians bed to grab a condom from the box. Easily he rolls it on and positions himself then leans down to kiss me hard "You ready?" "Um..... I think so" "Ok, you're ok, I'll take care of you". Slowly he pushes in until he's fully inside me then rolls his hips against me.

Pills (Peterick AU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now