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Petes POV

It's been 20 minutes and I'm still standing here like an idiot staring at Patrick. I should just get over it and go over there because he specifically told me he wanted me to find him at lunch and give him a blowjob. It's so awkward with all his friends who'll be watching me do it, I wish Patrick was less popular.

What if Patrick says no? What if he was just kidding? What if he just wants to embarrass me because I tried to be with him again but it was all a joke? Usually I'd find a way to talk myself into it because it's Patrick and I always want to use any excuse I can get to be with Patrick but I just don't know what I'm doing.

Patrick sees me standing there watching him and while his friends are talking he looks me straight in the eye and waggled his tongue at me. I still stand there though and Patrick takes his hand up to his mouth to suck on the tips of his fingers then sucks two fingers into his mouth so he's basically giving his own hand a blowjob. I still can't go over though and his friends are starting to laugh so he gives up and doesn't look at me for the rest of lunch.

Maybe I disappointed him by not doing it, maybe he just wanted me to show that I wanted him and I wanted to do this but I didn't. It's not worth the embarrassment though, not when it's so much more likely that everyone will laugh and it'll be a joke instead of me getting to blow him.

I struggle through my last classes then run to my locker to throw my books away as soon as school ends. I stand there texting my mom that I'll walk home when my locker slams beside me and two bodies stand either side me keeping me from running off. I clutch my phone to my chest and turn around to look at Patrick standing there with his friends either side of me as I tremble. He's the same height as me and I've never heard of him fighting with anyone so I shouldn't be so scared but I am. He couldn't make fun of me at lunch by turning me down so maybe he's come to do that here. At least it's less public this time and I won't look like a whore begging for Patrick's attention.

He walks over to me, taking the phone out of my hand and slipping it into my pocket then linking our fingers to pin my hands over my head. "You didn't do what I asked" "Sorry" "I don't like being embarrassed and stood up in front of my friends" "I'm sorry" "I know you were there and I know you saw me, you knew I was horny" "I just couldn't" "You saw me telling you to come over" "I thought it was a joke" "It wasn't, I was horny" "I thought you wanted to embarrass me" "I didn't but now I do"

He shoves on my shoulder, forcing me to my knees then grips onto my hair "I'm not happy with you" "I'm sorry, I'm sorry Patrick" "How's your ass?" "It's fine" "Good, how's your mouth?" "Fine, you didn't do much to it though" "I know, I'm doing something now though and I don't need more blood"

He grinds his crotch against my face so his rough jeans rub my cheek and keeps doing it until I fall back against the locker. "I don't like being rejected" "I wasn't rejecting you" "I told my friends I had a cute guy coming over but you didn't so I looked like an idiot, don't you dare do that again" "I'm sorry"

I didn't think Patrick would be so mad. I thought he'd just get someone else or he'd forget about me when I didn't do it but maybe he does want me. He doesn't like me too much right now because I embarrassed him in front of his friends but maybe he does like me. Out of anyone in the school, he chose me. He chose the guy who'd only had sex once and who didn't do what he told him to do and doesn't have a clue what to do in a situation like this.

I'm bright red from blushing and Patrick rubbing against my face so I'm glad when he pulls me up and grabs my waist "Next time I tell you to do something I suggest you do it" "I'm sorry, I was embarrassed" "Embarrassed to be with the hottest guy in school?" "Embarrassed to go over to you like I was important, like I was worthy of your time, like you would ever want me" "Well I do, it doesn't matter if your embarrassed because I'll make it worth it"

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