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Yesterday was so fun and I really liked getting to hang out with Patrick, Sammy and Damian and hopefully today will be good too. Patrick's told me I can sit with them whenever I want so I really want to. I know I was with them yesterday and the day before but Sammy seems happy to be with me so I really think it's ok to go over today. Tomorrow I won't and I won't force myself on them for a few days just so they don't get bored of me but today I just want to be with friends.

Happily I go over to Patricks table and sit next to Sammy. He's really cool and I like being his friend, Patrick gave me permission to hang out with him so as long as Sammy does like me, I could have a friend. I could have a proper friend to hang out with and talk to. It'd be nice to have someone who I don't sleep with so I know they like me and not the sex.

Sammy smiles when I sit down and hands me his can of coke so I can take a drink then hand it back so he can do the same. "I'm glad you're here, Damian isn't here so I'm very lonely" "I'll fix your loneliness" "Good, I have something to show you"

He leans against my shoulder so I can see his phone as he scrolls through his instagram. Before he can find whatever he wanted Patricks leaning down on my other side to hiss at me "Why are you here?". Now I'm scared, maybe he's changed his mind, maybe I should've asked him for permission instead of just sitting down with Sammy.

I look up at Patrick and whimper "You said I could sit with you guys whenever I want to, I wanna be Sammy's friend" "But why now? I didn't think you'd be here everyday after I offered" "I don't have other friends, I thought you were ok with me being here" "Well I'm not, I forgot how needy you are"

It feels pretty crappy that I was right and he's basically taking back everything he said and telling me he's annoyed by me. I know I'm annoying but I try as hard as possible to not annoy Patrick so he won't get pissed off at me.

"I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be" "You're a fuck buddy not my boyfriend, I don't think you understand that" "I do but I thought we were friends so I could be here" "You're annoying me, I'm trying to get laid but you being here is ruining that"

I duck my head and try not to lean against his chest as he pushes against me "Should I leave?" "Yeah you should, ask me before you come and steal my best friends boyfriend. Leave and I'll tell you when you can sit with us again"

I was so confident today because I thought he wanted to be my friend but all I've done is shown him how desperate and lame I am. Everything was perfect yesterday because we made out and talked and hung out but now he doesn't want me around. I can't even try to be friends with Sammy anymore because Patrick doesn't like it. I thought Sammy was going to talk to Damian and Patrick so they'd know I'd never do anything to steal Sammy but obviously not. All I want is friends but I never know what I'm doing wrong, I thought everything would be ok.

Maybe it was better when I didn't have friends because I always knew that people didn't like me so there was no drama. I can't handle feeling so happy and confident then having it all ripped away because Patrick's in a bad mood.

Before Patrick says anything else I jump up and grab my bag before running away so I don't embarrass myself anymore than I already have.

I end up hiding in the boys locker room where I know people won't come during lunch. I wish Patrick would text me and ask me to come back or say he didn't mean to hurt me but I know he won't. Instead message one of my internet friends and try to work out what time it would be in their state.

They don't reply but I do get an instagram message so I turn on my 3G and look. Its from Sammy so I have to try to find some way to reply to the message without seeming like a lame baby.

sammywinchester - Why'd you leave?

_emopetepanda - I just didnt wanna be there

Pills (Peterick AU) [COMPLETED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora