You know what I hate?

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When people call me lame because I say I can't go somewhere or do something.

Like the other day one of my friends asked me to go to a party with her and I said no.

I didn't even have to ask my mother to know that she would say no.

She said that I was lame and I should live a little.

I was just thinking she don't know my mother.

Her mother probably doesn't care if she goes out and parties but my mom does.

My mom won't let me go anywhere without either her or another parent there.

Y'all probably reading this and thinking that my mom needs to chill out or that she's annoying but she's not she's only looking out for me.

That's why you should listen ymto your mom when she tells you something cause it might just save your life.

Plus it's also a good thing if someone invites me to go somewhere I don't wanna go all I have to say is "My mom said no" and I get to stay home.


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