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Shiro's a worried Space Dad, Keith is doing his best for his teammate, Pidge is a genius, Hunk's an angel and Lance wants some cuddles.


"Bring it on, bitch. Show me what you've got." Lance snarled at Haggar, eyes fearful and defiant at the same time.

A smile grew on Haggar's face, her tongue licking at the corners of her mouth, as if she had seen a delicious meal. "Those eyes. Yes, it reminds me of my Champion. Yes, this is good." Haggar purred in satisfaction, which creeped the hell out of Lance.

Shiro's not yours, you bitch! He's ours!" Lance spat, not liking at the thought of Shiro being that old hag's property like some tool.

The druid ignored him and turned her attention at the other druids who have gathered around the Blue Paladin. "This boy might be useful," Haggar informed them. "He might even be our next Champion." she grinned, delighted at the prospect of having another Human to be made as a tool like the previous Champion.

Lance on the otherhand, froze in horror. If Haggar wants to make him into the next Champion then... does that mean... he has to fight in the Arena?

The feeling of dread quickly settled in his mind, causing his heart to race. 'No.' he thought. 'No! No! No! No! NO!'

Lance struggled harder against his restraints, determined to get out of these druids' clutches. "Let me go!" he shouted. "Let me go!"

The sound of something humming caught his attention and before he could even process any thought, he screamed from pain. Electricity ran through his body like fire is in his veins, the prickle coming from it felt like as if there are millions of sharp needles poking inside of him.

He screamed and screamed, unable to stop the pain. He writhed and convulsed, a desperate attempt to make all of this go away. Finally, he felt himself losing consciousness and Lance welcomed it with opened arms.

The last thing he remembered, before he fell into a blissful darkness, was the sight of Haggar smiling madly at him.


When Lance woke up, he felt cold and extremely tired. Then, a tick later, he felt something warm wrapping itself around him.

Lance sighed in relief and was snuggling further into said warmth when his memory caught up to him. Immediately, Lance tensed up, panic rising inside of him, his heart thumping wildly against his chest. His vision was hazy and everything was blurry.

But even in his panic, Lance realised that he was not alone and felt another presence, a group, surrounding him. Looking to his side, he can blearily make out some humanoid shape. But they're not Galras.

Lance took a sharp breath, mind going overdrive at the thought that he might be in the Arena and is currently facing an opponent. His instinct took over in an instant, causing him to let out a low growl through his bared teeth towards the group, warning and challenging them.

"Lance? Buddy?" the rumble coming from the warmth gained his attention, stopping Lance from growling.

"Lance?" the warmth rumbled again, followed by the sound of someone calling his name from above him. Peeking up, he saw a face that looked familiar, peering down at him with worry. Lance frowned a little, trying to know why this person feels so safe and familiar when he saw the orange bandana. Lance quickly realised who it was and let out a soft gasp in surprise. "H-Hunk?"

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