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Lance is hurt, everyone is murderous and Blue and the Lions are so fucking proud.


Keith and Pidge are feeling angry.

No, fuck that, they're feeling downright homicidal.

The moment they got in, they immediately located Blue, which was easy enough since they coincidently got into the same hangar Blue was held in.

The next thing they did was locating the Blue Paladin. Which of course, ended up with them finding Lance's bayard and helmet from his cell. But both the Red and the Green Paladin saw red when they knew that Lance was hurt, literally.

Pidge was the one to notice it first, gasping in horror when she realised what it was. "Keith..." she tugged his hand, eyes never leaving the trail of blood.

"Pidge, what-" Keith's words died in his mouth when he saw it. "Lance." Keith uttered with a vicious growl, worried and furious at the same time.

Both paladins looked at each other and nodded, a grim look settling on their face as they followed the trail like a bloodhound.

When they saw a door, both Pidge and Keith did not hesitate and slammed their bayards at the panel, causing the door to slide open.

The sight of Lance lying on the table, not moving at all, was all it took to send the two warriors into a frenzy.

"You bitch! How dare you!!" Pidge screamed at Haggar as she swung her bayard towards the druids gathering around Lance. All the druids immediately dissolved with a shriek while Haggar moved out of the way.

Keith growled in fury, immediately attacking the nearest Galra on sight, not pausing for even a second as he moved to the next Galra, and the next, and the next, and the next, until he could see no other Galras left.

When his eyes settled on Haggar who was facing Pidge, the Green Paladin currently on her knees, wheezing, he felt anger boiling inside him. As Haggar moved forward in an attempt to touch her, Keith let out another growl and charged at the old druid, intent to keep her grabby clawed hands away from Pidge and Lance. "Get away from them!" he shouted.

But before his bayard could even touch her, the sound of something being shot could be heard, followed by a purple glowing arm that went straight through that old w(b)itch's body. Shrieking in pain, the old druid gasped and twisted just enough to look at Shiro, the Champion she had created, smiling in grim satisfaction at seeing her blood spilled.

"Surprise, bitch." Shiro snarled before he violently pulled his Galra arm out, not flinching at all at the sickening thud of a dead druid crashing to the ground, blood flowing from the gaping hole at the center and some other holes that littered on her body.

"Let's get Lance and Blue out of here." Shiro ordered to which everyone agreed without any protest.

Hunk went beside Lance, a soft, "oh," escaping his trembling lips when he saw the sight of his best friend.

Dried blood had covered the once pristine white armor with red, Lance's face full of cuts and bruises. His hands were a bit scorched, as if he had put it in a fire and his complexion rivaled that of a vampire. Keith would have thought the Blue Paladin was dead if not for the barely visible movement of his chest, heaving and trying to take in air.

Carefully, Pidge and Keith began to cut the straps and gently pulled them away, as to not aggravate Lance's injuries any more. When Hunk slowly and carefully pulled Lance out of the metal bed, Lance groaned out in pain before his eyes fluttered open. "H-Hunk?" he called out, dizzy from bloodloss and from the pain.

"Easy there, buddy. we got you now." Hunk assured him as he cradled Lance into his arms and shifted a little so his best friend would be a bit more comfortable.

When a pained whimper escaped Lance's throat, Hunk immediately stopped and looked at his best friend in worry. "Lance? I'm sorry. Where does it hurt?" Hunk asked with a gentle smile, making Lance feel a bit safer than before. "Everywhere..." Lance muttered back a response, his throat is itching from being too dry.

Hunk sucked in a deep breath, now wondering if Lance had been more hurt than he thought. "Alright, Lance. I hear you. Sorry, but I'm going to carry you back to Yellow so we could go back to the castle."

Lance gave a hum, too tired to say or do anything else as he closed his eyes. But a thought entered his mind, forcing him to open them up again. "Blue..." he rasped. "W-what about Blue?"

"It's alright, Lance. Black and I will take Blue back with us. Don't worry," Shiro reassured him as they made their way back to where they left their Lions.

Lance gave Shiro a grateful look at him and slowly closed his eyes, his body going lax after being under too many stress.

"Shit, we have to hurry! Lance. Lance! don't fall asleep!" Hunk called out to him as he picked up his pace.

"M'tired..." Lance slurred, not opening his eyes.

"Yeah, buddy. I know. But I need you to be awake. At least until we get you back at the castle, okay? Can you do that for me, bro?" Hunk asked as they climbed into Yellow.

Lance once again opened his eyes, this time slower, and gave Hunk a shaky smile. "F-for you bro, a-anything." Lance replied.

Hunk smiled at that.

After making sure Lance is comfortable enough, he slowly nudged his Lion to go, mentally telling her to go slow. Yellow rumbled in acknowledgement and with gentle movements, she began to take off towards the castle.

Both Green and Red flanked on either side of Yellow, acting as a barrier for her while Black, being the biggest Lions out of all of them, carried Blue with care, following the others back to the castle.

Once they arrived, the Alteans that were waiting for them took over and made sure Lance is in no danger of dying before finally putting him into the pods to let it heal him.

"Thank goodness we made it in time," Allura sighed as she took a seat on the floor beside the pod where Lance is.

"Yes. If you were a few ticks late, he would never make it." Coran noted grimly, reminding all of them how close they were to losing the Blue Paladin.

"It's my fault." Keith murmured a few ticks later. "If I had realised it earlier, Lance wouldn't be in this state."

"No. Nope. Nu-uh. Stop that." Hunk surprisingly, was the one who spoke. "If there's anyone to blame, it would be Zarkon."

"Hunk's right. For now, let's focus on getting Lance better when he gets out of the pod." Shiro suggested.

Everyone agreed and began to get blankets and pillows so they could have a sleepover.

Back at the hangar where the Lions are resting, Black can't help but let out a growl full of pride.

"The bonds between our paladins are strong. And my paladin is a great leader." Black preened.

"Well, my paladin is as ferocious as a lioness today." Green joined in.

"And my paladin finally has a family to claim it as his own." Red purred, happy for her young cub.

"My paladin was very calm when he was rescuing the Blue Paladin. I am very proud of him." Yellow rumbled with pride.

"And even though it will take a long time before my paladin finally see his worth, the other paladin will make sure to be with him to the very end." Blue reminded. "Our paladins will be stronger than ever and they will be able to face any challenges with the bravery of a lion." Blue concluded.

All of the Lions agreed before they powered down for the night, content to have their members back in their circle.

Coming For You (VOLTRON FANFIC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora