“I hope the others are okay,” he whispered, wondering what the rest of the team are doing. They’re probably looking for him right now. Or maybe they’re glad to finally get rid of him.

"Stop, my paladin. Your pack would think of no such thing." Blue chastised.

“Yeah, you’re right, Blue. I’m sure they’re out looking for me.” Lance smiled. “At least, if they’re not coming for me, they’re coming for you.”

"My paladin!"

“I’m sorry, Blue. I just- I- I-“ Lance lowered his head. “I can’t.” he sobbed.

He hates this.

Being captured by Galra. Being held prisoner. Having his bayard and helmet taken away. Being away from Blue. From his team. His family. Being alone. All alone. He can’t. He hates it. He hates it. He hates it so much.

A strangled sob escaped his mouth, tears sliding down his cheeks. If he could, he would have covered his face with his hands and screamed. But he can’t. He can’t. Not now. Not now.

"My paladin, I am here. I am with you. You are not alone. I love you." Blue purred, nudging at their bond and sending love and warmth to him. "My paladin. Mine." Blue growled possessively, sending a mental image of her wrapping around him.

Lance smiled through tears, sending her his own affection towards the Lion. Whispers of love and encouragement were exchanged and uttered, filling the silent cell. Slowly, Lance felt himself drooping, comforted by the fact that Blue would watch over him. With another comforting rumble from Blue, Lance finally drifted to sleep.


When Lance woke up, he was filled with worry and anxiousness from Blue.


"My paladin! You are alright!"

Lance cringed. “Blue, what-"

"You did not wake up! I tried waking you and you did not respond!" Blue roared in distress.

Lance felt bad worrying his Lion. “I’m sorry, Blue.” He apologized. “But why did-“ a glance down towards his torso was all the answer he needed. “…oh. I’m bleeding. Huh.”

"My paladin!"

“Relax, Blue! I’m not in danger of dying-” a cough ripped out from his mouth, worsening his injuries. “uh… I guess?” he gave an awkward grin.

"My paladin, as much as I love you, this is a serious situation. Your injuries must be treated or you will die!" Blue growled in frustration.

“Oh yeah, that. Huh. Yes. Injuries. Yes. Ow.” Lance moaned in pain. “Quiznack. Even Keith’s kicks didn’t hurt this much.” he groaned.

The sound of his cell being opened made his blood run cold. When a hand dug itself into his arm, Lance had to bit back a yelp as he was hoisted up to his feet. “Quiznack! You guys really don’t know what ‘gentle’ means.” Lance huffed.

When he was met with no response, Lance huffed again. “Yeah, silent treatment. Working great.” Lance rolled his eyes.

As they walked through the corridor, Lance felt his body getting heavier and heavier, finding it harder and harder for him to walk properly. In the end, he was half-dragged-half-carried by the guard, the blood from his wound leaving a trail behind.

"My paladin, can you hear me?" Blue asked, nudging at their bond.


"My paladin. Please hold on. Your pack is coming."

'My... pack...?'

"Yes, your family. Your space family," Blue purred.

'They... are...?' Lance could hardly believe it. His team is coming. His team is coming!

"Yes, my paladin. They are coming for you."

Lance felt like crying. Oh, wait. He’s already crying. Although, he’s not sure whether it’s from pain or from feeling touched. Yeah, he’s going with both.

'Blue... my team is here. My family... my space family...'

"Yes, my paladin. They are here."

With a wide smile, Lance sent Blue his appreciation and love before he closed his eyes and heaved a relieved sigh. He could faintly hear Blue saying something but he was too tired to listen properly. “Finally,” he murmured. “I’m not alone anymore.”and he slowly let himself drown into the darkness that promised no pain with a smile.

Coming For You (VOLTRON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now